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Back By Popular Demand


I’m back! I know you all missed me! Well not really but I’ll think that because it’s good for my ego.

So, what have I missed?


fatima has gained even more weight….............


Miz went MIA then returned… again


Just incase ya didn’t really know the meanin of the word, static?????

popular |?päpy?l?r|
1 liked, admired, or enjoyed by many people or by a particular person or group : she was one of the most popular girls in the school | these cheeses are very popular in Europe.
2 [ attrib. ] (of cultural activities or products) intended for or suited to the taste, understanding, or means of the general public rather than specialists or intellectuals : the popular press.
• (of a belief or attitude) held by the majority of the general public : many adult cats, contrary to popular opinion, dislike milk.
3 [ attrib. ] (of political activity) of or carried on by the people as a whole rather than restricted to politicians or political parties : a popular revolt against colonial rule.
popularism |-?riz?m| |?p?pj?l??r?z?m| noun
ORIGIN late Middle English (in the sense [prevalent among the general public] ): from Latin popularis, from populus ‘people.’ Sense 1 dates from the early 17th cent.


Oh yeah, and this!!!!!

demand |di?mand|
an insistent and peremptory request, made as if by right : a series of demands for far-reaching reforms.
• ( demands) pressing requirements : he’s got enough demands on his time already.
• Economics the desire of purchasers, consumers, clients, employers, etc., for a particular commodity, service, or other item : a recent slump in demand | a demand for specialists.
verb [ reporting verb ]
ask authoritatively or brusquely : [with direct speech ] “Where is she?” he demanded | [with clause ] the police demanded that he give them the names.
• [ trans. ] insist on having : an outraged public demanded retribution | too much was being demanded of the top players.
• require; need : a complex activity demanding detailed knowledge.
• Law call into court; summon.
in demand sought after : all these skills are much in demand.
on demand as soon as or whenever required : he promised us endless coffee on demand.
demander |d??mønd?r| |di?mønd?r| noun
ORIGIN Middle English (as a noun): from Old French demande (noun), demander (verb), from Latin demandare ‘hand over, entrust’ (in medieval Latin ‘demand’ ), from de- ‘formally’ + mandare ‘to order.’


ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh them’s fighting words, don’t sneeze on the keyboard static or you will make everyone on here sick!!!


Too late for that blizz!!!!!

He already did by startin this thread!!!!!  sick


It’s ok, Mizu. I know you’re just jealous of my sheer awesomeness. You’re only part human/part bear after all.


I knew that you could feel the love!!!!!

Wanna bear hug?????


^^ Sure your shoulder is up to it? smirk

rider26 - 29 June 2012 03:31 AM

^^ Sure your shoulder is up to it? smirk

Good enough for a double axle thrown in to finish off!!!!!


Now you’re just being silly.  cool hmm

rider26 - 29 June 2012 06:40 AM

Now you’re just being silly.  cool hmm

What do ya mean by “now”?????


Well played and valid point. Hahaha LOL

rider26 - 29 June 2012 06:51 AM

Well played and valid point. Hahaha LOL

Does this mean that I’ve won somethin?????

Chucky, whip up some sort of cool graphic thing will ya!!!!!


See bro, nothing’s changed just good ol fun involving Agro and the boss man!