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I was offered a job that includes paying for half a season pass in Thredbo this week, it doesn’t have any obligations or quotas to meet and would have me on the snow, in the outdoors and heaps of riding time - basically it’s a really good deal specifically for me but I need to come up with the $600 for the pass to do the work.

To produce the $600 I can use what I have saved for the Shred (but that won’t cover all the $600) and make that money back through doing the work before the balance for the shred is due (which we don’t know will be).
I would have to use all my available cash to get the deal.

The problem is my remaining cash is for petrol to get to and from the snow and food etc… I would be skint to the extreme, without food or accom and no way to pay fuel to get back each fortnight to meet my other obligations.

Winging it - I could land a job that includes staff meals. I can survive by roughing it for accom. And hope to make enough to cover petrol. I’m not sure I could handle that stress.

I also have to pay for parts to repair my phone, pay my phone bill and internet.

Worst is school holidays coming up - I was planning to take someone to the snow but then that would cost around the same as the season pass (not inc fuel/food or a lift tickets).

What a dilemma. Maybe give it another night to think about.

What would you do?


Spaz - knowing your personal situation I don’t think you need the stress of committing to anything this season!

Work when you can in Thiroul and enjoy life. It was what you were wanting to do, and were happy to do less than a week ago.

I know it will mean earning money - but you have a seasons pass and you would still have to come up with the $600 for Thredbo pass.


$600 is a fair chunk of money to rough it in the snow with no food. Personally I’d stick to your current plan in your situation but I also don’t know how awesome the job could be.


Why do you need that if you have a Perisher season pass?


Make money while in the snow, rider.
I don’t need a Thredbo pass, Even though I’m riding Perisher (and really liking it!) I’m staying in Thredbo (10mins to the skitube). For the last few years I need a purpose to ride, maybe it’s because I’m nursing injuries. This job would give me purpose.

I’m not as established in Perisher to make money there. I can do lots but not what pulls a financial return.
Working in Thirroul has many issues. Least of all the late nights, shaken nerves and pulling everyone’s weight.

I’m glad I asked you guys because I was pressuring myself - thought I had no option but to chance it.
BTW the job is photography.

I didn’t know I had a current plan.
A week ago there wasn’t enough snow on the ground.

spaz - 28 June 2012 08:11 AM

. . . the job is photography.

So things are going OK with Randy?


i was thinking the same thing Chucky!!!

Spaz Thredbo and Randy (yes debatable but you know what i mean!) have done you no favours!

Time to turn a new leaf in Perisher!

You know you could find work if you wanted too in Perisher! Start asking around!