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Flying Squirrel Contest or something else?

Poll: Flying Squirrel or new trick?
Total Votes: 29
Flying Squirrel
New trick

Hey guys,

I would like to bring back the Flying Squirrel contest this year and make it even bigger.

Personally I think we should run with the Flying Squirrel again as it’s unique, we didn’t really push it last year, it’s easy to separate a good attempt from a bad attempt, and this contest could become really well known and iconic to Boardworld. I really love the idea of the Flying Squirrel contest.

However, others have suggested trying a new trick.

Just want to get your honest thoughts. Do we stick with the Flying Squirrel and really pump it up this year? or do we try a new trick?

* Your vote may or may not count. LOL


Flying Squirrel or Beef Curtains are my pics!


I think we should stick with it, def will give it a go - not sure how it will turn out, dont be surprise if we have another K2 incident hahah


Haha, ‘why doesnt anyone know about Beef Curtains?!’


Google search ‘flying squirrel grab’. We are the first result. LOL

I’m really keen to stick with the Flying Squirrel.

Don’t let my opinion sway you though. I’m not watching.  cool mad


Any time someone stacks it in the park I am going to ask “were you trying a flying squirrel?”


Flying Squirrel 100%. As per the other ideas for contests threads, a points system with other tricks included gives a good range of trick photos on here etc.


I’m not votin while ya watchin me!!!!!


yeah im down with the squirrel. I didn’t give it much attention last time


I think it’d be nice not to exclude beginners etc. from the competition. A simpler trick would be more fun for more people, so heaps more people would get involved just for the fun of it - but those who inject more style/technique/danger into it would be more likely to win.


Maybe we could add a prize for best stack while attempting a Flying Squirrel? Haha.

A contest like this is always going to reward a more skilled rider. There’s not too much we can do about that. No matter what grab we choose, chances are a beginner won’t win. That shouldn’t stop them from trying though.

I guess this is why we try to run lots of different contests with multiple prizes, and also the Weekly Member Prizes. Hopefully we’re giving everyone a chance to win something this season.

Open to ideas for a new contest idea that will allow beginners to enter and win. Maybe even something tailored for entry level riders? Something like ‘document your season on film’ - best effort and progression wins?


Maybe if ya had different trick categories with the harder the trick the better the prize, but with the stipulation that ya can only enter ya pic/vid into one of the Trick Categories?????

Have the submission date, later into the season, and that way it will keep the suspense as to who really did the biggest “whatever”!!!!!

It will also be a battle of egos tat way, as some people will go for the bigger prize in the harder category but not knowing whether they will take the prize or not!!!!!

They might have had a better chance at winning the smaller prize but they are the ones left with the decision!!!!!  evil

Plus it will entice a lot more entries at the same time!!!!!


I do like that idea.

Could do it as two separate contests.

What would the simpler trick be?


roast beef stiffy??? I think thats what its called… can anyone help? it was on FB the other week

fast eddie - 27 June 2012 05:47 AM

roast beef stiffy??? I think thats what its called… can anyone help? it was on FB the other week

That’s what fatima gets when he sees the all ya can eat buffet!!!!!


I read that badge in the first post as “your vote C#@ts’