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Any tips on camping at the snow?


Cheers for the replies guys!

Looks like we’re pretty sorted smile

Super stoked to finally go shred again shred

Forecast is for snow and wind on Fri and Sat so far…


Hey Dan 99% confident ill be camping saturday night aswell, so ill see ya there! pumped aswell shred


Most common way people get cold when camping is due to your under insulation. You can have an awesome sleeping bag and still get cold if not on an insulated mattress (ie simple air mattress). Easy ways to bolster your blow up mattress is to put a CCF (cheap rolled foam mat from kmart/camping stores etc) under it or you can use an emergency blanket (silver foil one in your first aid kit) under you.
Have fun. gorgeous spot there


yeah your not wrong coop3, i spent 8 years in the army, going bush in some pretty cold locations and all we had was a simple foam roll mat, so surprising what 1cm of foam will do, I’m pretty confident ill be toasty in my double swag with a ground sheet down though, specially with my sleeping bag and duck down doona hahaha


Sounds perfect! I too am usually encased in down these days but my favourite sleep system is a hammock with toasty underquilt and top quilt. Id love to get a swag but I’ve already got waaay to much gear and Mr Coop would kill me. I have the neoair all seasons and got the opportunity to use it on the snow in Tassie earlier in the year. They are amazingly warm for how light they are.


Cool sukah, I’ll see you there no doubt! If you are riding on Sat let me know & we could meet up.

Not sure yet whether to camp at thredbo diggings or the other campground starting with N… Probably will check them both out after riding on Fri and see which one we like best.


Clark Rubber is great for mattresses I have found as long as you have the space in the car for them.  I never go camping without mine.


Yep Dan, the other is called Ngarigo…we checked out both before deciding & we liked Thredbo diggings a bit better. A bit simpler to get your own space that wasn’t in someone else’s space if that makes sense…

and Nthn, we got a tri-fold double mattress from clark rubber (I think its a dunlop) and I paid an extra $30 or so to get the high-density foam version…I think it was about $140ish and it is one of the best things I’ve ever bought. Its super comfy and cos it folds nicely, its so easy to just chuck in the car. Whenever that one wears out, I’ll be going back to get another one for sure.


So the camping trip was a bit of a fail… I’ll share the details/photos soon. Kinda very funny on reflection but not at the time…

Sukah, did you end up camping?


haha keen to hear the story then!


Yeah, bring it on, Dan!!!!!

Dan83 - 03 July 2012 03:25 AM

So the camping trip was a bit of a fail… I’ll share the details/photos soon. Kinda very funny on reflection but not at the time…

Sukah, did you end up camping?

HAHAHAHA Nah man, saturday afternoon we got caught on top of mountain kozi when that blizzard white out went down i almost broke my neck traversing across eagle way, so we bailed back down the bottom and weather looked like it was getting worse, we drove down to thredbo diggins to have a look but me and my brother looked at each other and just went nup!!! so we drove home back to sydney, left thredbo about 330 got home 830 and ended up going out on the piss, hahah woke up sunday morning in my comfy bed at home was awesome.


Yes details details LOL


Share sooner rather than later, can’t wait to read the TR!


Yes share please.