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Any tips on camping at the snow?


I’m heading down to Thredbo for this Fri and Sat with my bro and a mate.

We’ve bravely, or stupidly, decided we will camp at Thredbo Diggings. Any advice/last words?

I’m feeling pretty confident but we may still freeze our arses off haha! I have a cheapy dome tent, -10 sleeping bag, self inflatable mattress, (gonna bring heaps of extra blankets to insulate the mattress and just in case), torches/headlamps, warm clothes/jackets/thermals etc. Will use the showers at the aquatic centre after riding and spend most of the evening at bistro/bars and just going back to camping ground to sleep. 

As a fall back I guess we can crank the heater in the car and sleep in there LOL Just this time I will leave the engine running teacherboy


Just take jumper leads in case your emergency fall back of car heaters goes to pot!


I’ve done fair bit of camping at the snow as well, what you’ve mentioned above should be enough - make sure to take plenty of alco just in case though lol


Take a thermarest or a decent clark rubber mattress.  I hate sleeping in bags so I take a doona and and a sleeping bag and unzip the bag and use it like an extra doona.  Other than that wear a beanie, tshirt, thermal leggings and your snowboard socks and you will be warm as!


share body heat! lol some man love will get you warm.  ohh
what about a hot water bottle?

I’ll be seeing you soon dan!


Take one of these…..


I’ve camped at thredbo diggings before - we slept in our suzuki carry van though - which I’m pretty sure just acted like an ice box. We were fine, though! I’m sure with all that stuff & as long as you get a campfire going or you are in the warm car long enough before you head to bed, you’ll be sweet! Just don’t crap yourself when you get up to wee and there is a massive kangaroo moving about in the shadows! haha

Really nice spot - I loved it!


Best bet is layers, hat, and as much between you and the ground. ground sucks heat, and you lose the most heat through your head.
Morning sucks, but if you can tromp to a hot shower you’ll be over it while you snack on the way to the snow.


Also, much cheaper and better for your riding the next day if after the slopes (and maybe 1 beer at the river inn - no more cos at least one of you will have to drive back to diggings!) have your shower and head back and make camp before dark…set up your tents (while it is still light) and if you still feel like drinking, sink a few beers around the fire (that you paid a reasonable price for at a bottle-o) while you cook your dinner then be all tucked up and warm in bed by about 8.30!
Cos you sleep early, you’ll be able to get up earlier, get a nice warm fire going and have some brekky & still be there in time for first lifts!

was so fun - makes me want to go and do it again!


I’m thinking of doing the same this weekend! I don’t know this place though does it cost anything to camP once u buy your natio park pass


Dan the man…. warren, fatima and myself camped in swags by lake jindy last saturday before. I only had a cheap swag and a -10 sleeping bag and was fine, maybe just wear some warm socks as well…. fatima on slept with shorts on his his swag!!!


Yeah, but fatima is insulated by whale blubber, and you’ve got ya fiery red hair to keep things hot!!!!!

Just lucky that Warren had that fluff to keep his beak from freezin up on him!!!!!


hahahahahahah up yours ya bald prick


all looks good dan

if you are a light sleeper take some ear plugs and/or eye mask

it can get windy up that way


nah you don’t pay any extra to camp. just google thredbo diggings.


Try to stay warm bro…....