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The best thing you have seen on the internet today?

Billy - 21 June 2012 09:00 PM
silent - 21 June 2012 10:31 AM

Extreme disappoint with kids on those present days

Bring the cane back school….

I think the problem starts way before they get to school…

(it’s poor suckers like me and cords that have to deal with it when they get there!! wink )

Yep, parents are to blame for not teaching respect to their kids.


^ Perhaps some parents are too concerned with beating the concept of “respect for authority” into their kids, rather than properly teaching them “respect for humanity”?



^ this would be my summer home if I win lotto… wink


Hahahaaa, I actually meant for it to be a response in regard to Chucky V Caboose!!!!!

It does fit into this thread category though!!!!!

Hell, if ya win the lotto, can I come live with ya silent?????



What tha LOL

chucky - 22 June 2012 02:26 AM

^ Perhaps some parents are too concerned with beating the concept of “respect for authority” into their kids, rather than properly teaching them “respect for humanity”?

if those kids had respect for authority, their seniors, humanity etc then they would being doing cruel shit like that

their lack of respect for an authority figure (bus monitor) is clearly shown

also you don’t need to “beat” it in, only have to explain it an expect kids to act appropriately


Caboose - 22 June 2012 04:09 AM
chucky - 22 June 2012 02:26 AM

^ Perhaps some parents are too concerned with beating the concept of “respect for authority” into their kids, rather than properly teaching them “respect for humanity”?

if those kids had respect for authority, their seniors, humanity etc then they would being doing cruel shit like that

their lack of respect for an authority figure (bus monitor) is clearly shown

They’re well aware she has no real “authority”, so (according to them) she’s fair game. They certainly wouldn’t do the same thing to a cop. They may possibly have “respect for authority”, but they do NOT have “respect for humanity”. There’s no need for the former when you have the latter.

Caboose - 22 June 2012 04:09 AM

also you don’t need to “beat” it in, only have to explain it an expect kids to act appropriately

You’ve previously stated that physical violence against children is acceptable if they don’t “respect authority”. Nice to see you’re finally seeing sense!  shaka



Ozgirl’s dream job.  tongue wink

Mizu Kuma - 22 June 2012 03:18 AM

Mizu Kuma - 22 June 2012 03:08 AM

Hahahaaa, I actually meant for it to be a response in regard to Chucky V Caboose!!!!!

It does fit into this thread category though!!!!!

Hell, if ya win the lotto, can I come live with ya silent?????

Yeah!!! but one more hard boot kick ya fatty ass and you’ll be overboard LOL

chucky - 22 June 2012 06:53 AM

Ozgirl’s dream job.  tongue wink

Unimpressed. Only one pellet hit the clearplex one and it was on the corner where the screen is more reinforced. They should have redone it.

EDIT: Also, that would have been sick to see in slow mo HD!


My mate got a rude wake up call when slept in his car after a big night on the piss
