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FYVE + Boardworld Graphic Design Contest 2012


Yeh i was having trouble, but wasnt sure if it was just my lack of skill. Prob still is haha

Can you email me? I’ll pm my addy


I know its not really design but its a great photo.


We will be updating the original post very soon with more working files to give you guys more options.

You can find them below as well:


Awesome, that helps heaps Boxy. shaka

Box Head - 20 June 2012 02:10 AM

We will be updating the original post very soon with more working files to give you guys more options.

You can find them below as well:

This file here is saved in RBG color not CMYK. How do I convert it back if I can? Cos says need to save all files as CMYK

K2_SnatchCrewSader - 20 June 2012 03:04 AM
Box Head - 20 June 2012 02:10 AM

We will be updating the original post very soon with more working files to give you guys more options.

You can find them below as well:

This file here is saved in RBG color not CMYK. How do I convert it back if I can? Cos says need to save all files as CMYK

if your in photoshop go to the ‘image’ dropdown menu then the ‘mode’ flyout menu

trentradpants - 20 June 2012 12:21 AM

Is anyone else having probs with that pdf template??

If you are, i have re-drawn in and saved it as and EDITABLE pdf which is only 10kb instead of 40MB. If any one wants it hit me up and ill email it to you, or if the mods want to host it on here just let me know and ill send it over

We have updated all the files. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Craze - 20 June 2012 03:14 AM
K2_SnatchCrewSader - 20 June 2012 03:04 AM
Box Head - 20 June 2012 02:10 AM

We will be updating the original post very soon with more working files to give you guys more options.

You can find them below as well:

This file here is saved in RBG color not CMYK. How do I convert it back if I can? Cos says need to save all files as CMYK

if your in photoshop go to the ‘image’ dropdown menu then the ‘mode’ flyout menu

Yes, that’s right. IMAGE—> MODE—> CMYK


Thanks guys. Still working my way round Ps


HY FYVE LO FYVE ... says it all!


Nice one. Hi Five is part of one of my designs too. very different though.


Thanx, would look sweet in fluoro green, I think.

K2_SnatchCrewSader - 20 June 2012 05:37 AM

Nice one. Hi Five is part of one of my designs too. very different though.

Looks like the “HIGH FYVE” is gonna be a common theme then!!!!!  hmmm

Mizu Kuma - 20 June 2012 05:59 AM
K2_SnatchCrewSader - 20 June 2012 05:37 AM

Nice one. Hi Five is part of one of my designs too. very different though.

Looks like the “HIGH FYVE” is gonna be a common theme then!!!!!  hmmm

... Yeah, I wanted to get in early so it didn’t look like I was unoriginal ... if at all possible!!!! what is original anyway? Giraffevcm


Well here’s the first. Thought I’d get one in now so I have time to try something different as well.