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Graphic Design Contest 2012 - please check this out :)


Hey guys,

Finally launched the new graphic design contest we’re been working on for a while.

The thread is here:

To make it easier it can also be accessed through

We really want to push this contest hard. We want it to go viral with heaps of designers submitting artwork.

I’ll calling on our awesome members to help spread the word. We have just posted to the poster on our Facebook page here: . The main way we want to spread the contest for now is through Facebook. All you need to do is find the poster on our page and hit the ‘Share’ botton. Please post to your wall and let all your graphic designer friends know about it. If you also want to hit ‘Like’ and ‘Comment’ that would be awesome!

Please feel free to share the link with your work mates, family and friends. smile

I can’t wait to see all the designs! Thanks in advance for your help! shaka


Shared! Drooling over this comp drool

gonna be some good entries. Doubt I will be in the running this year, as I rekon a lot of actual designers who have proper skills will be entering if it is being shared on FB.
But still will be good to see the designs.

*Hides away in the office and puts his thinking/design hat on*


Thank you for sharing, Sir. grin


Ive already had a mate share from me and tag a graphic designer teacherboy haha


Like K2 said, there is gonna be some pro designs for sure!!!!!

It might get me off my arse and force me to learn how to use Illustrator/Photoshop properly, mainly by sittin on my arse in front of the computer!!!!!


That’s what we want! Seriously, I’m super excited for this contest. It’s be awesome putting this together with the dudes at FYVE.

Mizu Kuma - 19 June 2012 05:11 AM

Like K2 said, there is gonna be some pro designs for sure!!!!!

It might get me off my arse and force me to learn how to use Illustrator/Photoshop properly, mainly by sittin on my arse in front of the computer!!!!!


Yeah, I’d expect some really good designs but I hope others wanting to give this a go and share their skills will still be up for it. It’s going to be great to see all the designs people come up with. They will all be posted on Facebook for others to enjoy and comment on too.


For us non-designers, can we get the PDF vector version in JPEG so we can just draw over the top?

TJswish - 19 June 2012 05:25 AM

For us non-designers, can we get the PDF vector version in JPEG so we can just draw over the top?

You can find it here. It’s a big JPEG though (8MB).


Sweet! smile


can we go all lobster-esque with vaginas and stuff? or are we looking at a more PG audience


Lets just say you’re more likely to win with PG material.


Go double lobster Trent, the more the better! haha. LOL


do what ever mate! its up to your own interpretation. Anything goes


not an official entry…...............yet, but everyone might aswell call this comp won smile


hahaha lemon dick