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PS3 XBOX or Wii?

Poll: What’s the best console system?
Total Votes: 18

So i’m thinking of getting a console and haven’t had a gaming system since the days of Playstation 1 LOL

Cast your votes!! What’s your favourite gaming system and why? shaka


I use my PS3 as an entertainment centre and play movies on my PC through it using some free software called Tversity. Also it’s FREE to play games (like CoD) online! I’m not sure when but if I were you I’d wait until the next console comes out. It’d be like buying an iphone4 just before the 5 comes out…


i do the same as above on my xbox360, sure we pay a minimal fee to play online but from what i have heard from mates who have both consoles, the xbox online is better.

But as ark said, maybe wait for the new consoles?


I voted for xbox 360. I don’t really play many games these days (occasional game of Forza 4/Fifa) but I own 2 of them. One that is JTAG modded which is absolutely amazing and a stock console for if I want to play online.

The kinect also sucks in girls/casual gamers (dance central, kinect sports etc)

Yeah new consoles are around the corner but you can pick up a 360 for dirt cheap these days and you have a massive back catalogue of games to choose from. The developers have also got good at making the most of the current gen consoles which won’t be the same for the new gen for quite a while.

PS3’s are also decent and share a lot of the games with the 360. There are some stand out exclusive titles on both consoles.

Every wii I’ve seen has become a dust collector once the initial novelty wears off. Kinect and ps3 move also has the motion side covered and it’s SD graphics are living in the past.


What do you want from your console anti?


I voted for the 360. I have one and believe it is a better product all round, better controllers, interface and netcode. If you want to play games online xbox live is far better than PSN and that is why you pay for it, so much more stable, better servers etc. You can use the 360 as a media hub as easily as the PS3 but remember the 360 has no bluray. I suggest you look at the exclusives: if you wanna play Halo, Gears of War or Forza (best games for console at the moment BTW!) then get a 360. If you wanna play Uncharted, resistance or Metal Gear Solid get a PS3. Although new consoles are rumoured for Xmas 2013 there is always an overlap between console generations and it is cheap to get a console now, the new generation will likely come out at $600+ minimum in OZ. Also if you buy a current gen now you will have plenty to play as you have a lot of games to catch up on.


I went with PS3 as I have a 3D TV. The PS3 is the only console that doubles as a 3D Blu Ray player.

At the time I figured if I’m buying a 3DBR player, I might as well be able to play games on it too.


I voted 360.

I’ve lived in a house where we had both and played a LOT of Fifa on the PS3 and a LOT of halo on the xbox. Then I got a fifa game for our xbox and my suspicions were confirmed - The xbox controller is about a hundred times more comfortable for your fingers/hands to use.

For online gaming, yes PS3 network is free but as has been mentioned above, the xbox live network is far more stable & you won’t get your credit card details stolen from it. I think my husband paid about $50 for a whole year’s xbox live subscription on ebay, so the cost is hardly prohibitive.

oh and halo is so much fun!


Just noticed I forgot to mention the wii. Only consider a wii if you are a huge Mario, metroid or Zelda fanboy. While there are some great games on it and I have had plenty of fun playing them unless you want to replay them all the time it will be destined to become a paper weight.

Tills - 18 June 2012 10:37 PM

I went with PS3 as I have a 3D TV. The PS3 is the only console that doubles as a 3D Blu Ray player.

At the time I figured if I’m buying a 3DBR player, I might as well be able to play games on it too.

I had a 3d tv, and i felt it was a cool gimmick. Thats it.

The 3d is a 1000x times better than the crud 3d you get in the cinema’s yes, but you rarely use it and when you do only 2 people can watch it (unless you fork out extra $$$ for extra glasses. i didnt as our samsung glasses cost $80 each)


Having used both system online, I see no difference besides the PlayStation Network being free. PS3 also has a blu-ray player and a far better range of exclusive titles. Obviously I voted PS3. I’ve had one since launch day and love it. 360’s are also notorious for breaking.

I also wouldn’t bother with the Wii. If you’re leaning that way, just wait for the Wii U that’s coming next year.


correction, release day 360’s are notorious for breaking (which you can repair in 5 mins if you wish)

The new ones cant get RROD any more…..due to removing the red LED’s hahahah

LeBron_MVP - 19 June 2012 12:20 AM

correction, release day 360’s are notorious for breaking (which you can repair in 5 mins if you wish)

The new ones cant get RROD any more…..due to removing the red LED’s hahahah

I know of a lot of people having problems with the new slim one’s too.


yeh? fair enough. all my mates have slim one now and never missed a beat.


Original 360’s are the ones that broke. My brother has my launch system that never red ringed and my 2nd version is the same, current black ones should be fine. The Wii and ps3 had their fair share of problems too and with new versions should be ironeed out. If a current version of any system broke on you it is unlucky!


Thanks for all the informative replies!! smile

I agree the Wii seems to be more of a novelty factor thing that would get boring pretty quick.

K2_SnatchCrewSader - 18 June 2012 10:21 PM

What do you want from your console anti?

I don’t have time to play too many games, but from time to time it’s fun to just veg on the couch and play some first person shooters or F1 racing or something..

I definitely want media center functionality as I’m sick of having to burn DVD’s every time I download stuff off the net. That takes for eva!! I’ve heard that the xbox has a better media center functionality that the play station, but don’t know whether to blieve it. None of my mates have consoles and if they game it’s on a PC, so I haven’t had a crack at any consoles for years and years.

Ahhh I remember the days of THPS !! That was tha bomb! smile