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skins a400 long sleeve top $70… half price at rebelsport =D
50% off compression tops
30% off compression bottoms
As the title suggests, whats the latest thing you have/will splurge on?
I am in the process of decding on mine;
Tossing up between buying 2 x used pioneer cdj 1000’s;
or a brand new Traktor S4 setup;
I was leaning towards the cdj’s but the prices for them 2nd hand are still big as they are still the most popular decks used in clubs so the s4 makes sense in terms of $$$ but…i dont know. im still torn!
Oh and i just bought a YES Basic for a mate who is starting to learn to snowboard. Im spewing, when i bought my Typo i loved the graphics of the Basic but it didnt have camrock so i had to go up a model. Now with camrock i think it is perfect.
Thinking of buying a Nemark Mixtrack Pro. I kinda don’t have a clue on what to do really but I’m willing to learn as long as it doesn’t cost me a fortune!
Yo deano, not sure if you have mad a purchase yet, but if you do decide on the controller i wouldn’t waste my money on the S4, yeah sure havin four decks is good but who honestly uses four decks, Every dj i know including myself sold it for the S2 so much more cheeper and so much more portable, id steer clear of the cdjs, if you want decks get vinyl. that mixer is a good mixer though.
one question is what kind of music do u normally mix?
skins a400 long sleeve top $70… half price at rebelsport =D
50% off compression tops
30% off compression bottoms
I was thinking of getting some compression bottoms. Might have to do a drive by this week
Which brand?
My jacket arrived today. Cant see the colour that well in the pic, but it is kind of a pastal mint green. I love it.
And it goes well with both my pairs of pants.
and my Cam Caddie Scorpion camera handle arrived today as well.
Using if for filming skate stuff with my iphone.
and my Cam Caddie Scorpion camera handle arrived today as well.
Using if for filming skate stuff with my iphone.
That is cool did you get it in OZ? Ive always wanted one of those to follow cam with.
Yeah, that Cam Caddy thing is sick!!!!!
How much was it, K2?????
Crackers, bought it over ebay from a US store. The Cam Caddie that is.
Mizu, it cost me $55 delivered from memory. the iphone holder is from a iphone tripod I got with my lense kit which I got for bout 50 as well.
Which brand?
All compression doesn matter what brand
just got the best bargains ever, $30 Skins compression long legs and a NRG board Jacket for $35, meaning $65.00 for a pair of skins and a jackets rated Waterproof Rating: 10,000mm / 8,000 gms
HAHAHA couldn’t even buy the materials for that price.
From Rebel Sports Auburn they have a huge sale on ATM, all jackets are $35.00.
Nice one, Sukah! I love that outlet and all the other ones around it (Nike, Adidas, brooks, kathmandu etc). I used to always get my sneakers there (my work shoes!). Last time I was there I got a pair of adidas cross trainers for $20.
One of my bestest friends lives in the states and she sent me these for my 30th! Granted, I didn’t purchase them but I thought this was the best place to stick it. The pink is a special edition boarding4breastcancer model that some of the proceeds go to. I just love that pink!
**sorry once again I have no idea why this photo is so massive when I resized it to 300xsomething else small in photobucket!**
One of my bestest friends lives in the states and she sent me these for my 30th! Granted, I didn’t purchase them but I thought this was the best place to stick it. The pink is a special edition boarding4breastcancer model that some of the proceeds go to. I just love that pink!
**sorry once again I have no idea why this photo is so massive when I resized it to 300xsomething else small in photobucket!**
Quote my post to see how to fix it.