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Boardworld Skater Progress Thread


The one of you is way better. the ledge is a leading line and you’re making a dynamic figure. Your back foot is off that ok? The nose manual shots are a point and shoot angle, just shooting from where you happen to be standing. Get down low and try to use leading lines to make it more interesting. It’s interesting how he has both feet flat on the board. I’ve seen pros in vids have the unweighted foot in a sort of kickflip position (more the outside of the foot touching) but maybe that’s because they’re going to flick off.

Hey K2, I didn’t realize you had Jimi Hendrix hair. I thought you looked like this:


Cheers for the feedback. Yeh my backfoot is off because this try ended up being a bail (partially because my back foot did slide off). So really I cant call that shot a legit as the trick wasnt landed in that one. But Yeh I do agree, the lines of the ledge look great. I like the sun in that one.

HAHA, yeh my hair is gettn long and it is super curly when long. I was wearing a beanie but got hot so took it off and it goes wild after a beanie and me jumping round. Can safely say I never had hair like that ^ :lo:

With my mates nose manual, yeh he does have them rather flat. I think foot position with any trick is very much a personal thing. I see people kickflip from the same position they ollie, where most would move it off to the side a bit.

He has a bloody good nosemanual so I spose as long as it works for him its good. If he kickys out he usually would adjust while he is manualing and shuffle it into flip position. Most pros adjust their feet a bit mid manual


Just realized a bit more what you ment by foot position. You ment slightly rolled onto the outer of the foot? Yeh some people do it like that and some just move their hips a bit more to centre their weight


yeah, that’s what I meant. sort of like a blunt position. I was just mentioning it, I’m a total beginner so just trying to pick up tips as I see them. I agree with you that foot position is a personal thing.

are you still going to talk to us now that you have frontside shuvits down? raspberry


haha, dont have them down yet. But have the feel for them and landing them more often.

I think the foot lifing is their way of adjusting balance. Some may do that and lift their back leg with it. I have tried, doesnt work for me. Some just woble the board up n down more often. Some move their hips back n forth.
@0:30 in this clip, you can see Ray doiing a nosemanual. He keeps his feet pretty planted and uses his upper body to adjust while balancing.


Thought I’d just post this here even though its nothin to do with our progression. But I know all us skaters check this thread. Have any of you seen Nike SB Chronicles Vol. 1 ??
If you havent your are missing out. It is unbelievable! Do yourself a favour and download it now!!
Grant Taylor’s part is like nothing I have seen!


yesterday I checked out the Nike skatepark at Miyashita koen in Shibuya, Tokyo. it’s really cool. tons of lines and a big bowl. I had fun just putting around. Slammed twice and today have a sore hip. will put up photos later


Pretty good with rolling right now so next is learning to ollie and drop in.


Yesterday I skated to my daughter’s pre-school carrying her bike, and we rode back together. So stoked. She was on her strider and I was skating. There is a slight downhill so it’s smooth coasting. There’s also a banked driveway halfway home and she copied my carving on it which was awesome. I think I’ll pick her up again today like that.


Sweet gamblor! Good to hear ur getting out and getting a feel for te board


hey wasn’t there a how-to video for no-comply’s? Maybe I’m wrong and it wasn’t made by BW


There definitely is. If u can’t find it on the skate home page te probably cos they are updating atm


cool, I only looked at mitch’s how-to list but I remember it wasn’t Mitch that did it. off for a little perusal


HAve a browse through BW’s YouTube and Vimeo channels and ull find it


not tryna brag, but i learned to drop in, axle stall and wallride on the same day,, but dats all i can do hah