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Best Quotes ?

Dave99 - 18 June 2009 06:54 PM

“When the only one who understands your jokes is named Spaz , you`d better quit telling jokes”

Now that’s funny.


“Those who will it, it is no dream” - Theodor Herzl (Zionist)

AOK74 - 22 June 2009 04:07 PM

“Those who will it, it is no dream” - Theodor Herzl (Zionist)

“Build it and they will come” - W.P. Kinsella (Field of Dreams)


“its like i care about you, think about you all the time… its like.. we friends n’ shit. supposed to treat eachother right. Imma be there for you, you gon be there for me.”

- Cannibal Ox

“What’s this feeling?
My love will rip a hole in the ceiling
I give myself to you from the essence of my being
Sing to my God all these songs of love and healing “


“how the fuck do i sleep at night reading someone elses romances, skimming through second hand books, writing other peoples poetry and dumbing down a pretty girls good looks. well some mothers they love dope more than their children and some fuckers love fucking, more than they like to love, im not saying ones better than the other they’re both just fucked.”

- The Gorgeous.

“For me, snowboarding is all about hanging out, having fun with my friends”

- Devun Walsh

totally pasted that from my facebook ... super lame points.


I may grow old but i refuse to grow up” - Crawley (pro bodyboarder)
*Progression before podiums” - Burton snowboards
” Dont let your dreams stay dreams” - Jack Johnson
” Such is Life” - Ned Kelly
” The faster you go the less time you’re in danger” - Jeremy


“of course there crabs, what did you expect from a 1$ hooker, Lobster?”


Homer - Let the bears pay the bear tax, i pay the homer tax
Lisa - No, thats the home owner tax!

Homer - Barney’s movie had heart, but football in the groin had a football in the groin


“When people act out of fear, we should all be afraid” anonymous


“when caged like animals, we will act accordingly.”
- - ???


If you can, help others; if you cannot do that, at least do not harm them.

Dalai Lama


The greatest protest is non-support.


Such is life - Ned Kelly


“I would love this place to be my garden.”
Thierry Henry, on Highbury


“There are only two things that are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I am not sure about the former.” Albert Einstien.


Strange things are afoot at the Circle K ~ Bill & Ted