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hire boots!

inquiry into hire boots

Hi I would appreciate your opinion on hire boots, after going to ski slopes overseas and n Australia, I have hired all my gear to snowboard, and both times have experienced cramps throughout my lower legs.

Have you heard of any similar discomforts mentioned from hire boots in general ?



i would expect hire boots to give you discomfort.

The standard footbeds are useless, and have plenty of other peoples foot shape moulded into said footbed.
New boots will take a few days to bed in and fit your feet perfectly and as such you will most likely experience discomfort those first few days until the boots bed in.


i have always hired ski boots and snowboard boots and have now have bought snowboard boots. but yes they are worn by everyone that hires them so all the comfort and padding that would mould to your own foot if they were yours has been worn away. i would recomend if your going to go a few times they will pay themselves off smile and you will have pride in your own boots smile and therefore wont get cramps due to the boot it will just come down to stretching etc


Cramps would suggest that the boots don’t fit properly and therefore your doing up the laces too tight or too lose or are just generally bad for you feet.

As others have suggested it’s worth investing in your own set of boots. Make sure you get a proper fitting and keep trying boots until you find the right pair for your feet.

Boots are the single most important part to your set up.


Welcome to Boardworld, Mitch. cool smile

Honestly, hired boots are the worst boots you’ll ever use. They are soft, packed out, and have been worn by many different foot shapes. That said, it makes sense to hire your equipment for at least the first time you go to the snow.

If you enjoy snowboarding, which I’m sure you do (it’s awesome!), investing in a good pair of boots is a great idea. There is no comparing hired boots to a pair of new boots fitted accordingly to your particular foot shape. As Tobi mentioned, boots are the single most important part of your setup.

If you buy boots, you can continue to hire the snowboard while you progress. You might need to do this depending on your budget.

This is what I usually tell people: if you enjoy snowboarding and you intend to keep going, the sooner you buy your own setup, the better. You will be more comfortable (and possibly even reduce injury) and progress more efficiently.

Welcome to our community and let us know if you have any further questions.


If you are wearing any type of foot bed in your regular shoes, it’s worth bringing them and putting them in your rental boots. It’s definitely worth investing in your own boots even if you only go once a year especially if sore feet are preventing you from enjoying yourself at the snow. Consider this, if you only snowboard 2-5 days a year, those boots are gonna last you 10/15 years easily $200-$300 over 10 years is not a lot of money. smile

Some low budget ideas that may or may not help but has worked for some people i know.

Put your regular shoe’s in-sole into the rental boot.
Wear thinner wool socks.
Buy some snowboard/ski specific socks.

rider26 - 06 June 2012 10:24 AM

This is what I usually tell people: if you enjoy snowboarding and you intend to keep going, the sooner you buy your own setup, the better. You will be more comfortable (and possibly even reduce injury) and progress more efficiently.

Totally agree with this statement, I’d suggest the boots should be the first thing on the to buy list though.

Actually, I’m going to start a new thread about this.


Thankyou, everyone for all your replies, this has proven to be a reliable forum with informative responses, so thankyou for your help once again, Happy boarding!