The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive




He might’ve mistaken you for an airline worker and was waitin for you to welcome him on behalf of QANTAS?????


grrr such a bad week i feel like my head is going to explode and had a migraine for last 2 days and been working 11 hours for last 3 days.
ljjf;lsakjf;askdjf;skadlfjnsa;dlkfj;askfjl;ksdajf;lksd   that is me heating the keyboard with my head….

grrr so annoyed when i have to deal with idiots at work grrrrrr..

yeah let buy 1mill hardware and not know what to do with it and not consult anyone but we want it up and running soon as it comes in and on top of all no documentation no planing no nothing…

freaking retards..  ikjAWRLDIIHLFJAWHERFA

lanox - 30 May 2012 01:53 AM

ljjf;lsakjf;askdjf;skadlfjnsa;dlkfj;askfjl;ksdajf;lksd   that is me heating the keyboard with my head….

Maybe you should try typing with your head more often Lano. It made a lot more sense than most of your posts tongue wink


gee thanks drc plz do tell how you really feel.

lanox - 30 May 2012 02:00 AM

gee thanks drc plz do tell how you really feel.

haha it is the main eVent thread! I felt left out and needed to pick on someone!


no but you are right i should read what i post before hitting submit button,

i am so frustrated, dave lets go for first week opening…  trying to convince my boss but not looking good.


Yeah sounds like you are having a pretty rough time at work madhopefully it all get’s worked out for you soon mate.

Not looking good for me for opening weekend, I’ve got a knee problem at the moment. Went to the physio yesterday and have to go back next week so will hopefully get it sorted out soon. I’ll definitely be down there early July for a week (with RPS and a few others) even if I’m still in pain.

You don’t have a pass do you?? Considered saving up your browny points for when they open up more than front valley?


I wanna vent about my roomie… she’s so anal. We had friends over for eurovision night (i know awesome… well aside from SBS dropping out every time a plane flew over it was mad). Half way through the show she turns on the vacuum and vacuums around my friend because roomie noticed a very small amount of crumbs that had fallen on the floor from our cheese and cracker binge. WTHHH!

Don’t get me started on her reaction to me burning my rissoles and thus filling the kitchen with smoke…


Sounds like a nightmare.

Just annoy her till she moves out


haha sounds like a plan… I friends suggested I invest in a smoke machine or foam machine and fill the room up before she comes home… haha


smoke machine for the win! couple that with a bucket of dry ice and you have yourself one nervous breakdown for your room mate!

deanogoose - 30 May 2012 06:32 AM

smoke machine for the win! couple that with a bucket of dry ice and you have yourself one nervous breakdown for your room mate!

muhahahahaha sounds like a plan! She’ll probably be chasing the smoke around with the vacuum. haha. manic!


Oh god Ash - you should have moved in with me!

I just got a new one and she seems okay!!

The last one was a nightmare (the cool irish backpacker for those playing along at home)


I wish Oz!! my roomie and I are completely opposite it’s depressing. When I first moved in I dreaded coming home.


Oh i know how that is!

Or you go home and the relief you feel when there are no lights on in the flat!