The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive

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Down Days with Charles Beckinsale dropping on Thursday!



Awesome, looking forward too it. The last one was a good watch.

Photo from olliepop instagram i see! Jez, when are you getting on Instagram?


When I’m not using an iPhone 3. This piece of junk doesn’t support Instagram. Can’t wait to get an iPhone 5 when they come out. Need a new plan too. Just trying to survive until then.


Yeh, thats fair enough if ur waiting for the 5. I love my 4s. There is already a Boardworld instagram, which im following and its following me, but has no posts. Is that one you set up?


Chucky set that one up. I think we’ll set up a new one eventually.