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Billy’s Opening Weekend Countdown!


Whoa, close call !!!!!

I remember your epic TR from that weekend shaka


Was a great opening weekend besides the close call and fine. First slide for the year, lots of drinking, then follow it with a day of backcountry, and then by a day of paddling rocker my kinda life. Just needed to get a lady into the mix and it would have been perfect LOL

Dean, I mite end up doing that. I’ll speak to billy see what her plans are, and then will chat with u, azz and her to work it out shaka


sweet as, the more the merrier


Kinda wanna go to Falls as well though. Its pretty much my winter home. and I wanna skate the mini ramp LOL


well the deciding factor for me is which one will have the best cover come opening day…


A friend had a portable hand held breath tester on Saturday night and we were all having a go. The differences between us (and our different drink intact) was amazing. I was the lowest with the most drunk, The one who had had the least was the highest (over!) and the middle girl, was middle but higher than you’d expect compared to her intact.

But the readings were consistent with each of us, over and over.


Yeh, i am kinda on the same thought process dean, but If billy and azz are gonna be hotham, would be good to party there. But I love falls more. And if doin accom through Azz, it kinda locks me in early. Oh the decisions snake


That is true…


I wouldn’t stress too much, there is little interest being shown, the main members that would be there are all overseas atm. Three families of them.

I would be surprised if anything gets booked over the next week unless there is a big snowfall again.


Hello friends!! I THINK I might be staying with a couple of friends in Bright! So no lodge this time but definitely keen for a ride!  wink


latest weather from Jane’s:


Tropical moisture surges down and interacts with a low pressure system on the NSW coast from Sunday, with borderline cold enough air - until a surge of cold air arrives on Tuesday night.

We are looking at snow above about 1600 to 1700 metres beginning on Sunday afternoon, lowering throughout the alpine later on Tuesday and clearing on Wednesday. East Gippsland is in line for heavy falls, and some alpine areas may see them too (those that like a southeasterly airflow), but generally this looks like 10 to 20 cm up high.

Billy - 29 May 2012 04:42 AM

Hello friends!! I THINK I might be staying with a couple of friends in Bright! So no lodge this time but definitely keen for a ride!  wink

ppffffttt! Why stay at Bright Billy? The whole idea of opening weekend is for a quick slide, then party at either The Man, or The Genny!!!! how you gonna party down there?
Just stay at Azz’s. Cheap. Have you already booked?


Haha, I think so, already committed!
That’s ok, they can drive me back!
Plenty of genny nights to be had


I’ve gotta finish my reports by then too, eeeeek!! I’ll look into it and let ya know


im not angry, just disappointed…