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HAHAHA rick rolled!!! I hate that Dark got “Call me maybe” stuck in my head since Sunday!!!

Billy - 23 May 2012 02:56 AM

Arrrgh Mizu!!! “Click click click!”
Now it’s in mine!!! rage


Its all cords’ fault!!!!!


I hate that my Tattslotto retirement plan isn’t working! rage


LOL  @ this thread!

Nice one, Mizu LOL

Dan83 - 23 May 2012 03:29 AM

LOL  @ this thread!

Nice one, Mizu LOL

You were one of those that inspired me to start it, Dan!!!!! LOL

Mudhoney - 23 May 2012 03:25 AM

I hate that my Tattslotto retirement plan isn’t working! rage

Very much so!!

(note to self might help if I bought tickets!)

Mudhoney - 23 May 2012 03:25 AM

I hate that my Tattslotto retirement plan isn’t working! rage

I think we both need to find a better financial advisor?????


hate injuries!

Mizu Kuma - 23 May 2012 03:44 AM
Mudhoney - 23 May 2012 03:25 AM

I hate that my Tattslotto retirement plan isn’t working! rage

I think we both need to find a better financial advisor?????

I’ve got one, and I reckon my Tattslotto plan is working about as well as his shares plan!  Lucky I’m old enough to be in a defined-benefit super scheme.


More venting - I also can’t stand rude strangers!!!! I’ve encountered 3 in the last week! What happened to being polite and having manners??


I can’t stand sunday drivers in the city. If the speed limit is 70 and you can do 70. Then you better be doing at least 65 at all times. 40 is not acceptable!  rage

Mudhoney - 23 May 2012 04:06 AM
Mizu Kuma - 23 May 2012 03:44 AM
Mudhoney - 23 May 2012 03:25 AM

I hate that my Tattslotto retirement plan isn’t working! rage

I think we both need to find a better financial advisor?????

I’ve got one, and I reckon my Tattslotto plan is working about as well as his shares plan!  Lucky I’m old enough to be in a defined-benefit super scheme.

Yeah, I’m just glad that I’ve got 15-20 years for the share market to get over itself!!!!!

I’m just hopin that the property market stays somewhat stable!!!!!

Billy - 23 May 2012 04:12 AM

More venting - I also can’t stand rude strangers!!!! I’ve encountered 3 in the last week! What happened to being polite and having manners??

Yeah, like when ya hold a door open for someone, and ya don’t even get a smile at the very least!!!!!

I have taken to yellin out “That’s okay, don’t mention it” whenever this happens!!!!! And it seems to happen a great deal theses days!!!!!



I can’t stand adverts popping up on YouTube videos! rage

Mizu Kuma - 23 May 2012 02:55 AM

I hate it when someone inadvertently gets a song stuck in ya head!!!!!

I’ve been singin Click go the Shears for the last hour!!!!!

Thanks cords!!!!!  rage

Muhuhahahahahaha! As long as you are singing the right Brumbies words then its all good!