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Gymnastic Training in Snowboarding?

AlexK - 19 May 2012 08:18 AM

I think I may have exaggerated when i said a ‘ton’ of hate. . .

Meh, “a ton of hate” is just a figure of speech, so it’s all good. I also read disparaging comments from numerous sources at the time - enough to validate your inference that it was a commonly held opinion. Opinions ranged FAR from “nothing but praise”, that’s for sure.

AlexK - 15 May 2012 07:47 AM


There has been a ton of hate on the internet concerning this triple and looking too gymnasticky. Personally I can’t decide but I know I’m more stoked on the single frontflip nosegrab and the smooth back 5.

Wow some fussy people about eh!

All his tricks are dope, I love seeing people throwing down if not original tricks shall we say the path less oft flown.  The triple is sweet too (is that two o’s or just one?, hmm i never get that right!) the side on view is the best the front on the worst but whatever that’s filming for you. 

More kids i’ve never heard of killing it… eyebrow barely twitches these days.


Yep, I thought the triple looked sick! I don’t know what all the fuss is about. Honestly I think it’s just people crying that someone has done something so great, and they will never get close to it.

But who the hell cares? It’s Snowboarding!
If you have become better then you were the previous season and you’re having fun… then you’re doing it right. Hell, even that isn’t a rule, there aren’t any.

Also, I look at that front flip nose grab, and yeah I say, that’s sick. It definitely has more style then the triple.
But this is his first time landing the triple.
He’s probably been doing front flips for 5 years or more, so he has had time to shape it into something truly stylish.
This is the coolest part of snowboarding to me. Landing new tricks is always a big deal. But watching tricks evolve within yourself and your friends is awesome!

Back in the day you could only do 2 grabs badly, but now you can do 10 grabs. But the awesome part about that, isn’t the 8 new grabs. It’s how great you can tweak out those first 2 grabs that you have done for so long.
Anyone know what I’m talking about here? LOL


for sure andy, it’s like mecano ( you start off with a few pieces santa got you for christmas and every year you get a few more and that shit analogy you made at the start grows and grows….....actually i’m talking absolute twoddle here but perhaps some of the more mental of you might know what i’m on about.

Attempt 2: snowboarding in general but freestyle in particular is just a matter of combining differrent things together.  For example my favourite trick is cab 3 tail, sounds a bit posh, feels dope but really it’s the same feeling as doing a cab 3 jibbing around the place (which is probably the easiest of all 3s) and a nosegrab which is a pretty cruisy grab once you get into it. Bosh those two simple things together and you have a complicated sounding trick.

p.s. don’t tell people any of that about cab 3 tail being easy, just learn it and keep it under your hat eh.

Andy Aitken - 19 May 2012 11:42 PM

Anyone know what I’m talking about here? LOL

Yeah man. Even though I can’t say the trick has a lot of steez to it in my eyes - I think when you start getting that technical tricks slowly start to loose personal style due everything becoming much more refined - You can’t not be impressed by the skill that goes into it. It really doesn’t matter what you think of the trick, or how it was done - That took practice and skill, of which not many people have.

And it’s the same for kids, right? Sure I can see a kid throwing a 3 in the park and think “That doesn’t look half as good as Torstien’s”, but in reality I’m more thinking “Yeeahh, He’s progressing and he’s got 3’s!” They will of course, improve with time.

Aspects of snowboarding are slowly splitting the community I guess. Everything from discipline down to outerwear (I’m sure we’ve all been guilty at one time for hating on someone for their like of tight pants or super baggy?)


chucky - 19 May 2012 10:11 AM

Opinions ranged FAR from “nothing but praise”, that’s for sure.

I really like the part where you took what I said out of context for use in your own statement. Impressive.  blank stare

SamNZ - 20 May 2012 05:07 AM
chucky - 19 May 2012 10:11 AM

Opinions ranged FAR from “nothing but praise”, that’s for sure.

I really like the part where you took what I said out of context for use in your own statement. Impressive.

It wasn’t “out of context” at all. IN context, it aptly highlighted the fact that you evidently only see and hear what you want to, and ignorantly/delusionally disregard the rest.

chucky - 20 May 2012 06:37 AM

It wasn’t “out of context” at all. IN context, it aptly highlighted the fact that you evidently only see and hear what you want to, and ignorantly/delusionally disregard the rest.

SamNZ - 15 May 2012 08:23 AM

Personally I’m not too fussed on big gimmicky tricks like this though I appreciate how much skill they take to perform, but I’ve seen nothing but praise for the Dude and his triple rodeo from the snowboarding community.

To recap what has been said, I was actually asking him if he could show me where he saw it happening so I could look myself, I never suggested what he was saying was incorrect, and I stated that I had personally only seen positive feedback.
When I say “I’ve seen”, it’s usually a good indicator that I’m talking about, you know, what I’ve seen and I’m not trying to imply that it is the views or collective of anyone else. That’s pretty fair, yeah?

I love how you feel the need to so constantly and brashly use words like “ignorant”, “delusional” and “inane” to demean someone else’s statements or views, especially when it comes to mine, when they conflict with your own.

So, in your own words, this has “aptly highlighted the fact that you evidently only see and hear what you want to”.


Once more for the illiterate. It was definitely there, we saw it - but magically, even though you don’t deny seeing commentary on the subject, you claim to have seen “nothing but praise” among all that commentary. In other words . . .

chucky - 20 May 2012 06:37 AM

. . . you evidently only see and hear what you want to, and ignorantly/delusionally disregard the rest.

SamNZ - 20 May 2012 08:27 AM

To recap what has been said, I was actually asking him if he could show me where he saw it happening so I could look myself, I never suggested what he was saying was incorrect, and I stated that I had personally only seen positive feedback.

I call bullshit. Coupled with your claim to have “seen nothing but praise”, the intent of your “show me” comment was perfectly clear - you were surreptitiously suggesting that “what he was saying was incorrect”.

chucky - 20 May 2012 09:30 AM

Once more for the illiterate. It was definitely there, we saw it - but magically, even though you don’t deny seeing commentary on the subject, you claim to have seen “nothing but praise” among all that commentary. In other words . . .

chucky - 20 May 2012 06:37 AM

. . . you evidently only see and hear what you want to, and ignorantly/delusionally disregard the rest.

“illiterate”. Again with the insults, really. Hold yourself, it brings more credibility to your point. And I also see you’ve done some more contextomy. I said what I’ve seen, from my very specific point of view on my computer watching facebook and seeing news posts on snowboarding websites - You’re right though, I don’t deny seeing commentary on the subject, after seeing the links posted of course. My post stating “I’ve seen nothing but praise” was posted before Alex K shared the links I asked about so I could also see the negative comments.

chucky - 20 May 2012 09:36 AM
SamNZ - 20 May 2012 08:27 AM

To recap what has been said, I was actually asking him if he could show me where he saw it happening so I could look myself, I never suggested what he was saying was incorrect, and I stated that I had personally only seen positive feedback.

I call bullshit. The intent of your “show me” comment was perfectly clear.

SamNZ - 15 May 2012 08:23 AM

Can you link to where all this hate is taking place?

Oh yeah man, obviously my comment was… what? negative? sarcastic? I asked to see it. I was interested to see what people were saying. The fact you think it had a specific tone to it is your own fault. Not mine.

Anyway, before this turns into another argument where you attack a straw man… feel free to refute what I’ve said again with your expert opinion on how my views are wrong and you know the way in which I write things directly reflects the tone in which you want it to. Go on, I’ll bite my tongue…


My “illiterate” comment was an observation, not an “insult”.

I suggest you enrol in some remedial English lessons. Maybe, just maybe, you’ll learn to better express your thoughts - and reduce the embarrassing disparity between what you actually say, and what you only think you’re saying.


so andy…..have you tried McTwists on the tramp yet?  I tried my first off tramp one during the CASI park 2 course about a month ago, it was on the big quarter pipe at the botom of catskinner.  Felt just like on the tramp apart from on the tramp I get to spot my landing and use my feet to put it down.  On the QP I just span blindly and slid out, i’m told I’m pretty close but I guess a bit more tramp time is the answer to get that trick. 

Just wondering if you’d tried this one and what other tricks you’re working on.


Hey guys,

Please keep the personal comment/insults/whatever to yourselves. We want to keep this thread open for discussion so please end it here.

Thanks in advance. smile

Aidy - 20 May 2012 08:33 PM

so andy…..have you tried McTwists on the tramp yet?  I tried my first off tramp one during the CASI park 2 course about a month ago, it was on the big quarter pipe at the botom of catskinner.  Felt just like on the tramp apart from on the tramp I get to spot my landing and use my feet to put it down.  On the QP I just span blindly and slid out, i’m told I’m pretty close but I guess a bit more tramp time is the answer to get that trick. 

Just wondering if you’d tried this one and what other tricks you’re working on.

Nah I’ve never tried a Mctwist on a tramp or otherwise. I can backflip on a tramp strapped into a board but have only tried them once on snow, and didn’t get them.
But I do know what you mean because I feel exactly the same with my front flips. On a tramp I can tame dog, spot the landing and land both feet quite easily when I’ve practiced a few.
But on snow it’s completely blind. Usually I just wait to feel my tail touch down and then start to absorb the landing. I’m pretty sure that’s similar to what you’re talking about.

But as far as learning tricks…. i’ve been in Australia… not snowboarding… now I’m just waiting for the Perisher season to start. I never want to be off the snow for this long again!  LOL


Oh and you mentioned you did the Park 2 course. Did you pass??
How hard is it?
I know I’m not ready for it yet but hope to do it one day.