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Been a bit MIA of late.


Although I may not be one of the most prolific posters on the forum I have been MIA for the last month or two really, life gets busy occasionally and doing anything more than a tiny bit of browsing from an old Nokia was too hard!  Broke up with the long term GF at the beginning of the year, unexpectedly but very pleasantly found a new one in March which is still going really well.  Had to move out of my old place which was a nightmare and take up temporary residence in the granny flat at my parents, saving grace is how cheap it is (free) and divide my time between there and the girls place in Neutral Bay, neither of which has a real flash internet connection but I haven’t had a laptop for a little while either.

I also left my old job, had 3.5 weeks between the end of that and the start of the new one.  Didn’t go as planned and after surfing my guts out for 4 days got horribly sick for two weeks, that’s turned into a bit of a nightmare as well.  I’m booked in for July 2nd to get my left ear drilled out due to surfers ear.  According to the specialist it’s 100% blocked, the bones have grown across so far they have rubbed the skin off my ear canal and it’s full of blood and puss as it’s infected, charming.  That puts me out of the water from a week ago till the end of August probably, lucky it’s snow season eh?

Hopefully the snow keeps me sane, so pumped for it to start, will do a couple of trips before the op all going well then will have to wait till mid July to go again.  Now that I’m back in an office and have a new laptop I’ll be a little more regular although unlikely to dish out herculean posting numbers like Mizu.

I have been browsing snowboard stuff like a maniac, think some Ride Revolt or Maestro bindings will be coming my way prior to the season start.  I did drop past STM Bondi last weekend and had a look at Mizu’s beloved Flux bindings and some Burton Cartels, the Flux’s didn’t take my fancy at all, real big bulky cheap plasticky looking to me, the Cartels weren’t a hell of a lot better, happy to stick with Ride!

Well regardless of if you care or not that’s my story for the last little while, anything ultra exciting happen?


Sounds like a rough start to the year, hopefully all looking up from here!!!


I was in the caring stage at the beggin and the middle, but ya lost me at the end!!!!!  wink

Welcome back mate!!!!!  shaka


Welcome back man!


Been an interesting year so far, equal parts good and bad I reckon, actually the good probably outweighs the bad IMO.  I wasn’t even really trying to stir you up Mizu.  I did actually go into STM with the idea of checking out the Flux stuff cause you go on about it so much, maybe I had too high an expectation.  All plastic base plates and heel cups worry me and the Ride stuff in aluminium just looks and feels awesome.


So how is ya new job at the spoon company goin anyway?????


Welcome back!

You haven’t missed much. Thanks for the very graphic description of your ear ewwwwww

ozgirl - 18 May 2012 03:16 AM

Welcome back!

You haven’t missed much. Thanks for the very graphic description of your ear ewwwwww

Thats what I thought!

Welcome back mate. Hopefully winter improves your luck smile


Welcome back, NBG. Hope all goes well with your ear.


Winter should be good as long as the snow falls.  Once the ear is done it should be a long time before it needs doing again, I had the right one done almost 10 years ago and it’s still 60-65% open according to the doc so not going to badly.  I could show you some photos of my other one after it was done if you’re keen ha ha! 

Is that some cryptic reference to aluminium being used in Ride bindings Mizu?  My new job is back in the security industry, pays a fair whack more and best of all I know what I’m doing again ha ha!  Might hang with the current living arrangements for a little while save some coin and buy one of these for the snow camping ahead this season!

nthnbeachesguy - 18 May 2012 02:48 AM

I wasn’t even really trying to stir you up Mizu.

And nice trailer setup!!!!! What’s the estimated damage for one like that?????


Better start surfing with bluetac in your ears! I did after seeing many of my mates have their ears drilled out.


Welcome back !!!!

You coming to the shred? All the cool kids are (you will note Mizu is not on the list tongue wink )

Azz - 18 May 2012 11:31 AM

Welcome back !!!!

You coming to the shred? All the cool kids are (you will note Mizu is not on the list tongue wink )


spaz - 18 May 2012 09:36 AM

Better start surfing with bluetac in your ears! I did after seeing many of my mates have their ears drilled out.

Ya can buy good ones from the chemist and some surf shops!!!!!

I personally can’t stand wearin them!!!!!


Even the good silicon ones don’t compare to BluTac, I used them until I lost my second pair (and you look like you’ve got tampons in your ears if you use the safety cord.

They are like $20 a set, compare that with BluTac. BluTac doesn’t come out, Tommy Carroll put me onto it - he started using it after rupturing his eardrum when he copped the lip at Pipeline on the side of his head and nearly drowned. Nothing beats BluTac and its easy to store, just roll it in a ball and that’s all. So cheap that you can replace it when it it’s gathers too much ear wax - after that it works well to hold up posters wink