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Gay Marriage, moving onto the parenting debate.


I prefer my android baby… so much faster and i can customise it all i want

deanobruce - 16 May 2012 08:20 AM

I prefer my android baby… so much faster and i can customise it all i want

But iBaby is less prone to viruses, more stable so less bruising and so much prettier when showin it amongst the latte set!!!!!


You gotta agree with Miz that an baby is much better to look at LOL



Not really a baby anymore, its 5 now!!

Azz - 16 May 2012 08:16 AM

That made me straight away think of some anti gay dude banging on about it being gay an illness.

There’s nothing “anti gay” about it.

Quite simply, if a male and a female are physically capable of conceiving a child in the natural/normal way, then IVF becomes a choice, not a necessity.


Azz - 16 May 2012 08:16 AM

Do you think it qualifies then?

As the scenario you outlined involved a male and a female who were not physically capable of conceiving a child in the natural/normal way (due to the man’s illness - presumably an inability to produce healthy sperm), IVF was a necessity, not a choice.

Mizu Kuma - 16 May 2012 05:23 AM

* Count me out of this one now

That is a shame. I was interested to hear your reply.


You misunderstood me chucky, I wasn’t say you were being anti gay, rather I have heard anti gay people voice there opinion that being gay is an illness that can be treated.

I was taking the piss, an observation, that is all smile

cords - 16 May 2012 08:45 AM
Mizu Kuma - 16 May 2012 05:23 AM

* Count me out of this one now

That is a shame. I was interested to hear your reply.

I started to reply but no matter how I worded it, it would’ve had a personal element to it!!!!!

I don’t think that upsetin you is worth airin my opinion!!!!!


Battle I have with myself, I strongly believe in survival of the fittest, Darwin’s theory etc etc.
Yet I have no problems with IVF and all the other cool stuff medicine can do teacherboy

Azz - 16 May 2012 09:08 AM

Battle I have with myself, I strongly believe in survival of the fittest, Darwin’s theory etc etc.
Yet I have no problems with IVF and all the other cool stuff medicine can do teacherboy


whilst I hear all the arguments I can’t help think where we draw the line on deciding peoples lives?

its a merry go round my brain would prefer to stay off!

I hate to say never as you never know what is going to happen in the future. ie I may not be gay but my children might be etc etc.

Azz - 16 May 2012 08:49 AM

You misunderstood me chucky, I wasn’t say you were being anti gay, rather I have heard anti gay people voice there opinion that being gay is an illness that can be treated.

I was taking the piss, an observation, that is all smile

All good mate. Hehe, I live in Darlinghurst, so I couldn’t afford to be anti gay even if I wanted to, or I wouldn’t have any local friends. cheese

Azz - 16 May 2012 09:08 AM

Battle I have with myself, I strongly believe in survival of the fittest, Darwin’s theory etc etc.
Yet I have no problems with IVF and all the other cool stuff medicine can do teacherboy

Many needy kids will go through life without ever knowing what it’s like to be in a real family, simply because some people would rather opt for the convenience of IVF.

Mizu Kuma - 16 May 2012 09:02 AM
cords - 16 May 2012 08:45 AM
Mizu Kuma - 16 May 2012 05:23 AM

* Count me out of this one now

That is a shame. I was interested to hear your reply.

I started to reply but no matter how I worded it, it would’ve had a personal element to it!!!!!

I don’t think that upsetin you is worth airin my opinion!!!!!

oh well I’m grateful that you care, then, I guess. smile

cords - 16 May 2012 04:12 AM
Mizu Kuma - 16 May 2012 03:21 AM

And I agree that while a gay couple should have every right to get married, I don’t think that they should have the right to have a “test tube” baby to satisfy their wants!!!!!

Just the same as a single person should not have the right to “buy” a baby!!!!! We are talkin about a child that will grow up one day, askin who their biological father/mother is!!!!! That is avoidable, therefore that is wrong to intentionally do in my opinion!!!!!

Adoption on the other hand is different!!!!! I see no problems with gay couples/singles adoptin an “unwanted” child, as they will most certainly give this child a better life!!!!!

My cousin is in a long-term and committed lesbian relationship (they’d be married if they could) and her partner is pregnant with their second child. The father of both children is part of a long-term and committed gay relationship (they’d be married if they could). Both women and both men are involved in the upbringing of their gorgeous little boy, who is very loved and very well cared for. Do you still agree that they should not have a right to their “test tube” baby?

Does a 38 year old single lady who has not found a partner, but desperately would like to be a mother really not deserve the opportunity to have a child to love and care for, through a sperm donor?

No they don’t!
Mizu your opinion is supported by enough research that it is in line with the UN Human Rights Movement.

Does a child deserve to grow up in a single parent household because that parent can’t find someone to love them? 
Children DO NOT DEVELOP INTO COMPLETE ADULTS in that environment (humans have evolved to live in family and communities for 2mil years), so in the case of a gay couple and lesbian couple sharing the upbringing it is completely healthy.

Given that a gay person is born gay (so I’m told) and choose that lifestyle.Then choosing to continue that lifestyle is them chosen to not conceive (surely?). If a lesbians desire was to have a baby they would also desire a man to fertilise them - otherwise the obvious conclusion is that they are removed from the natural order because without artificial means they can not conceive, secondly they cannot settle into a relationship! So what will they teach their baby (soon to be a toddler, then adolescent and teenager struggling with relationships) but with no guidance or experience of how relationships work.
This is a sure fire way to expose any fragility in that child’s psyche allowing them to become detrimental to not just themselves but the greater community.
It’s not good for the child, it’s not good for the community. Oh, but she had the money and would DESPERATELY LIKE TO HAVE A BABY TO LOVE AND CARE FOR.

The 38yo single lady sounds selfish, if she goes ahead with such a plan I hope she has a good family and close community that will support her (but more so the child) through thick and thin, until death becomes them all.