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Gay Marriage, moving onto the parenting debate.


Starting this thread out of the convo happening in the best thing on the net thread.

Hope its ok with you Mizu, cords and chucky.

Lets discuss smile

Azz - 15 May 2012 07:51 AM

Was an interesting program last night.

I respect both Joe and Penny more now after watching it.
I don’t agree with Joe’s view, but I respect him getting up and saying what he feels / thinks smile

Watched that too!!!!!

I think that Joe’s point was from the angle of gay couples havin children!!!!! I might be wrong?????

And I agree that while a gay couple should have every right to get married, I don’t think that they should have the right to have a “test tube” baby to satisfy their wants!!!!!

Just the same as a single person should not have the right to “buy” a baby!!!!! We are talkin about a child that will grow up one day, askin who their biological father/mother is!!!!! That is avoidable, therefore that is wrong to intentionally do in my opinion!!!!!

Adoption on the other hand is different!!!!! I see no problems with gay couples/singles adoptin an “unwanted” child, as they will most certainly give this child a better life!!!!!


haha I’m not trying to start any arguments (I never am), its just that what he wrote resonated with me because of my cousin’s situation. I’m just trying to imagine someone actually telling them to their faces that their only option is to adopt, or in other words - because you are gay, you have no right to a child of your own.
Anyone who actually met them and saw how well loved and cared for that child is would surely struggle to do that?

Also, my sister is sort-of in the second situation I mentioned. Single, nearly 38, would love to have kids but has no one to have them with. To complicate things, she also has a heart condition which will need an operation in the next couple of years. Once the operation is done, she won’t be able to have kids of her own, as the pregnancy and birth would put too much pressure on it. She hasn’t ever mentioned it but what Mizu said made me wonder if I’d be pissed if someone told me that my sister didn’t deserve the right to have a child of her own through a sperm donor while she still could?

Just pondering - not trying to start anything.

cords - 16 May 2012 04:12 AM

My cousin is in a long-term and committed lesbian relationship (they’d be married if they could) and her partner is pregnant with their second child. The father of both children is part of a long-term and committed gay relationship (they’d be married if they could). Both women and both men are involved in the upbringing of their gorgeous little boy, who is very loved and very well cared for. Do you still agree that they should not have a right to their “test tube” baby?

Why the need for a “test tube” baby? Is there a genuine medical problem which prevents them from conceiving in the natural/normal way?


* Count me out of this one now


I know of a child that was the product of their mothers eggs and a donor sperm. This was due to illness on their “fathers” part.

This child, well young adolescent knows how they came to be, is loved, loves back and is doing an excellent job of turning into an adult.

They at this point have no interest in meeting the bio dad, but knows the option is there if chosen in the future.

Thats where I think it is OK. If a couple, straight or gay, go to the lengths that is required for a successful IVF fertilisation, I know they are going to be great parents.*

*I have not seen a child of IVF end up in an unpleasant life.

chucky - 16 May 2012 05:07 AM

Why the need for a “test tube” baby? Is there a genuine medical problem which prevents them from conceiving in the natural/normal way?

Do you know what you can catch doing it the natural way chucky? !!!!! big surprise


But it’s much more fun…


You could catch pregnancy.




Its a risk im willing to take for the good of mankind!

Mizu Kuma - 16 May 2012 05:23 AM

* Count me out of this one now

Damn, i was genuinely interested to hear your points of view on the matters that would have been brought up in this debate (but im not going to lie, i know why you backed out cause i dont know how long this would stay civil)

deanobruce - 16 May 2012 08:00 AM

Its a risk im willing to take for the good of mankind!

A worthy risk, for the good of mankind of course, in the ‘70s didn’t it stop a war or something.

Azz - 16 May 2012 07:15 AM

I know of a child that was the product of their mothers eggs and a donor sperm. This was due to illness on their “fathers” part.

Exactly what IVF should be for - necessity, not choice.



That made me straight away think of some anti gay dude banging on about it being gay an illness LOL

Do you think it qualifies then?

deanobruce - 16 May 2012 08:02 AM
Mizu Kuma - 16 May 2012 05:23 AM

* Count me out of this one now

Damn, i was genuinely interested to hear your points of view on the matters that would have been brought up in this debate (but im not going to lie, i know why you backed out cause i dont know how long this would stay civil)

Now if we are talkin about an iBaby I can get involved again!!!!!