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BW courier service


On the back of “FREE STUFF” and CRCKERS transporting a bag from chucky to me, I had this thought:

Post where you need something to go (what it is and where you are) and hopefully BWM can transport it through other BWM. Maybe it will go through several hands but will save on transport fees (especially for large items like boards).

So let’s see; chucky is trying to get some padded pants to Coops. Eastern Sydney to Victoria.
Anyone going to Melbs soon or Mexicans coming to Syd?


Does this include transport of people??? wink


If anyone is driving past Chill Hill to Sydney (I think) I have a board to go to Lano.

spaz - 15 May 2012 10:46 AM

So let’s see; chucky is trying to get some padded pants to Coops. Eastern Sydney to Victoria.

What the???

LOL don’t think Coop needs padded pants. nor does she live in mexico??


spaz is on the gear again…....... just ignore and move along LOL



spaz - 15 May 2012 10:46 AM

On the back of “FREE STUFF” and CRCKERS transporting a bag from chucky to me . . .

Nice, you got it. Awesome bag, hey. Reckon you can get the wheel sorted?

spaz - 15 May 2012 10:46 AM

So let’s see; chucky is trying to get some padded pants to Coops. . .

I’ve offered the butt pads to cords, if she wants them. I meant to give them to Crackers when I gave him your bag, but I forgot.


Haven’t got the bag yet.

[img]”  alt=“Photobucket” />[/img]

Who cares if it was cords and coops isn’t in mexico. WHATEVER, The BW courier service is born. Someone will get into chucky’s pants.


haha. I’m on the central coast now but I’m going to donate the butt pads to lanox if he wants them.

spaz - 15 May 2012 11:34 AM

Someone will get into chucky’s pants.

That’s what she said.

chucky - 15 May 2012 12:19 PM
spaz - 15 May 2012 11:34 AM

Someone will get into chucky’s pants.

That’s what’s he said.
