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K2’s Easter Paddling Mission in the Snow!


Here is a video of our mission over Easter. Technically it was the first snow fall of my season. And was a great day paddling. Im in all blue with red pack on my boat.
Love to hear your thoughts shaka

Edited by Andy Oates. Words below by Andy:

Easter 2012 saw a group of six of us have a play on the very scenic upper section of Pencil Pine Creek at Cradle Mountain, Tasmania during one of the first snowfalls of Autumn, after a multi-day packraft trip nearby finished earlier than planned. Some cold hands and feet but fun paddling, in a beautiful forest, and a takeout point only 50m from the best place in the region for a hot meal, cold drink and roaring fireplace. It might have to be an annual event smile Andy


K2 “Action Hero” SnatchCrewSader shaka


haha thanks mate LOL Did ya like the snow falling while we were paddling the last waterfall? Got some good pics of that. Gotta work out if I have them at home or not


Yeah, you guys are braver the me. I was cold just watching it shaka


It was pretty cold, but we had dry suits on which helps a tonne! Mainly only get cold hands. But towards the end, I got a bit cold, as I had been sweating in my drysuit from the hike in, which made me cold in the end.

Azz - 14 May 2012 09:18 PM

Yeah, you guys are braver the me. I was cold just watching it shaka


K2_SnatchCrewSader - 14 May 2012 09:14 PM

haha thanks mate LOL Did ya like the snow falling while we were paddling the last waterfall? Got some good pics of that. Gotta work out if I have them at home or not

The snow falling looked awesome!!!


I wish I had friends that r in to this stuff, man I would live to
do those things….