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Should I buy a MAC or PC laptop…

ozgirl - 14 May 2012 01:35 AM

Passive aggressive ruddness is still rude!

While we’re on the subject of types of ‘rudeness’, how do you define the wide spread implication on here (both overt and covert) that Mac users are “pretentious douches” who prefer style over substance, and are so gullible and ill-informed, they fall for what essentially amounts to little more than fatuous marketing hype?

chucky - 14 May 2012 01:17 AM

Like I already said, I’ll take an Audi over a Hyundai any day.

What Audi do you have?

I have driven a fair few Audi’s and wasnt that impressed.
My dad’s best mate had a rs4, was ok i didnt like the feel of the car when at speed. He now has a r8, i have never driven anything like it and probably never will again (unless i win lotto or something), i love that thing!

But the run of the mill audi’s (and im prob going to get flamed for this but i dont care) and the TT’s do nothing for me at all. i dont enjoy the drive/feel of them. Interiors are nice though.

But im biased, give me a series 3 rx7 with a loud as f*ck bridgeport anyday of the week!

chucky - 14 May 2012 01:17 AM

Some people are capable of appreciating the difference, some aren’t.

Im sure everyone knows the difference between a half presteige brand car and a low cost, runabout south Korean car manufacturer, its just some people dont feel the need to spend more $$$ than necessary on something that gets them from A to B.

static_22 - 14 May 2012 01:30 AM

I personally don’t see the benefits of iOS over Windows 7. I love Windows 7. It works perfectly for me. Unlike the POS Vista :S

Vista was an abortion of an OS…