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Should I buy a MAC or PC laptop…

chucky - 14 May 2012 12:18 AM
static_22 - 13 May 2012 10:59 PM

I personally don’t see how Mac can be better at all. It’s way too over-priced for what you get.

Yep, just like I said, “Anyone who prefers cheapness to quality just won’t appreciate the benefits of a Mac.”

I would go with a patented Chucky eye roll but i cant afford the licensing costs form Chucky.  wink

There is a big difference between prefering cheapness, to prefering value for money.

chucky - 14 May 2012 12:18 AM

Anyone who prefers cheapness to quality just won’t appreciate the benefits of a Mac.”

So not true - it all depends on where you want to spend your money. My blackberry is more expensive than an iphone, i get shitter plans than iphone users get.

I am also staying on snow at the sundeck. You are not. Nothing wrong with that. you are doing that because you want to maximise your entire snow experience this year.

I used to own a Hyundai because I got them cheap from a friend. It worked great for me as I barely did 8,000 a year in it (including Jindy trips a couple of time a year!) I could not justify an Audi for those km’s.

chucky - 14 May 2012 12:18 AM
static_22 - 13 May 2012 10:59 PM

I personally don’t see how Mac can be better at all. It’s way too over-priced for what you get.

Yep, just like I said, “Anyone who prefers cheapness to quality just won’t appreciate the benefits of a Mac.”

I honestly don’t think that is valid. I built my own PC and it’s better quality than any Mac. Much cheaper too.
Plus I’d hardly call Mac quality. I’ve heard of tons of people having problems with them. They’re no better quality than PC.

chucky - 14 May 2012 12:18 AM
static_22 - 13 May 2012 10:59 PM

I personally don’t see how Mac can be better at all. It’s way too over-priced for what you get.

Yep, just like I said, “Anyone who prefers cheapness to quality just won’t appreciate the benefits of a Mac.”

See, now that truly is an arrogant statement. You’re implying that all mac’s have superior quality to all PC’s. Not true, as I already proved by showing you the Alienware and the fact that a lot of the same hardware is shared by both Mac’s and PC’s. (Processors, graphics etc)
A lot of PC gear is actually superior to Mac’s. Such as Keyboards, Mice, and there are also HDD’s out there which are better.

Not only that but if you want to talk about the OS side, then you can install a Linux distribution on a PC and Have equaled if not superior stability and performance.

Fact: You’re not paying more for “better quality”. At least, not in the terms of hardware. Or software. You’re basically paying all that extra money for the design of the computer and the OS.

Statements with attitudes like that by Mac users is probably the #1 reason for Mac’s users being called “Hipsters”.


Fact: Macs are NOT “way too over-priced for what you get”.

Yes, “you’re basically paying all that extra money for the design of the computer and the OS” - and for those who are actually capable of perceiving and appreciating the benefits, it’s worth every cent. Some people just don’t get it. Their loss.

chucky - 14 May 2012 01:09 AM

Fact: Macs are NOT “way too over-priced for what you get”.

You’re basically paying all that extra money for the design of the computer and the OS - and for those who are actually capable of perceiving and appreciating the benefits, it’s worth every cent.

The OS retails for about $100. Design for $1400 (on Dan’s prices on page 1) is a bit over priced I’d say.


Like I already said, I’ll take an Audi over a Hyundai any day. Some people are capable of appreciating the difference, some aren’t.

chucky - 14 May 2012 01:17 AM

Like I already said, I’ll take an Audi over a Hyundai any day. Some people are capable of appreciating the difference, some aren’t.

Chucky - some people spend money differently insulting people because they don’t spend money like you is just rude.

I bought a cheap car that suited my needs. A month later I went to the US. Priorities mate.


lock it down, Boxy, fanboi riot incoming.


I personally don’t see the benefits of iOS over Windows 7. I love Windows 7. It works perfectly for me. Unlike the POS Vista :S

ozgirl - 14 May 2012 01:24 AM
chucky - 14 May 2012 01:17 AM

Like I already said, I’ll take an Audi over a Hyundai any day. Some people are capable of appreciating the difference, some aren’t.

Chucky - some people spend money differently insulting people because they don’t spend money like you is just rude.

I bought a cheap car that suited my needs. A month later I went to the US. Priorities mate.

Sure, priorities, that’s exactly what I’m saying - it’s horses for courses. There nothing “rude” about pointing that out.

I’m perfectly fine with drinking cheaper wine because I lack whatever it takes to truly appreciate the really good stuff, so I simply can’t justify the extra cost. I, however, don’t go out of my way to portray wine aficionados as “pretentious douches” or claim that the wine they prefer is “overpriced” just because I don’t personally get it.

chucky - 14 May 2012 01:17 AM

Some people are capable of appreciating the difference, some aren’t.

Right so you could have made that point without this line.

Passive aggressive ruddness is still rude!


I have made my point wont be posting any further in this thread wink


Mac vs PC is becoming an irrelevant argument anyway. Since apple switched to intel chips you can run Mac osx on pc hardware ( and windows 7 on Mac (bootcamp). It really comes down to price, aesthetics and 3rd party support. Unless you really like the look of macs and just want one my money goes to pc, easy to upgrade, supports all peripherals, all games support windows platforms, parts are more easily available and pc’s are almost always cheaper.

ozgirl - 14 May 2012 01:35 AM
chucky - 14 May 2012 01:17 AM

Some people are capable of appreciating the difference, some aren’t.

Right so you could have made that point without this line.

Passive aggressive ruddness is still rude!

It doesn’t bother me that I’m apparently not capable of appreciating the difference between ‘fine wine’ and the regular stuff. When trying to ‘educate’ me on the differences, friends have pointed that out - I’m secure enough not to have considered that “rude”.

Dom PĂ©rignon sent me a dozen bottles of the good stuff (not their ‘best’, but around $300 a bottle) to use for a photoshoot a few years ago. When it came time to courier them back, the rep said to only send eleven bottles, and keep one for myself. As the experience would have been lost on me, I gave it to a friend who would truly appreciate it. Horses for courses.