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Should I buy a MAC or PC laptop…


I have had warranty issues with Apple on various products and found the after sales service to be as good as the service I received from Dell when my laptop hd issues.

Dell were faster in fixing as they (at the time) had a local rep (live in the bush) and Apple stuff needs to be sent away.

Funny thing, last issue with a Mac, was a brand new iMac. For all accounts it worked fine, until with plugged an existing Mac into via firewire to transfer info across. It would say it was going to 40 hours to do so then crash. The guy that Apple sent out was the Dell dude, who knew nothing about Mac’s. Well a little, but not as much as us LOL

We ended up just swapping it for another unit and had no further problems.

Mudhoney - 13 May 2012 10:03 AM
Koper - 13 May 2012 06:55 AM

So after reading all 3 pages of this thread, no one has even asked Dan what he is actually going to use his computer for.. rolleyes Generally a good step for recommending someone a product.

No no no no no, that’s not how we roll here, mate.  It’s much more fun to make him listen to our waffle and start fanboi wars!

Hahaha love it Mudhoney!


SamNZ Your points are valid but I feel you have an extremely anti mac attitude and due to that refuse to give Apple any credit.
Apple didn’t steel the idea of the phone, mp3 player, mouse, trackpad, touchscreen, personal computer, windows, apps, integrated computer/keyboard/monitor, batteries or even electricity. They did however make all these things function in consumer world for people to use, people with no understanding of programming or tech expertise.

The more accurate realisation is that Apple interface has always been more user friendly, so much that everyone else has to copy them. DOS was impossible for most people then MS built Windows but you still needed to know DOS to make it operate or perform. Apple windows ran as part of it’s OS ten years before MS Windows still DOS based.

Cords, did you try using the right side of the mouse - it works.  teacherboy


Just been reading Steve Jobs bio.

Bill Gates and Steve worked closely together through the ‘80’s on software.

Steve believed in a ‘closed’ system, keeping hardware and software together on one platform, where Bill told Steve he was a fool and to leave it open for licensing to others.

Both companies made product for one another in the early days.

Time has proven that there is a market for both products and marketing strategies.

Sad that people have to argue so much over which is better.

Neither is better or worse, one suits some folks better than the other and vice versa smile


Jobs was the picked on “grommet” amongst Gates and his mates when Jobs would hang around Gates’ parents garage where they pulled apart and built the first “real” computer.

I can’t believe you don’t know the nerdy history of AppleVsMS (JobsVsGates) Azz!

Jobs’ biography would be a cool read, and probably correct my memory of learned events.


Yeah should definitely read it spaz smile

Did you catch the show on ABC1 last week about Mark Zuckerberg? Interesting watch for sure. They did Jobs the week before. I am hoping they do one on Bill Gates soon.


i saw the Steve Jobs on, was good watching.


I personally don’t see how Mac can be better at all. It’s way too over-priced for what you get.

spaz - 13 May 2012 09:08 PM

Cords, did you try using the right side of the mouse - it works.  teacherboy

I think its on the laptop things I’ve used. All I want to do is right click and open a new browsing tab - never been able to manage it. Actually come to think about it, I have tried it on a desktop mac that was in a mac lab at one of the schools I did casual at and it definitely didn’t work. I had to ask the kids how to do it and they showed me some keyboard shortcut that was anything but intuitive!


Apple are good are marketing to the “cool” crowd, thats how.

jowow11 - 13 May 2012 04:34 AM

I would say MAC MAC MAC just because I have grown up using them and once you get familiar with the system it makes using your computer a breeze (but I guess you could say that for anyone thats always used a PC).

I have a macbook pro and top 5 reasons I love it are:

-dropped it from 120cm onto my tiled bathroom floor, put a bit of a dint in the side but that was 2 years ago and it’s still working fine now.
-I bought my girlfriend a PC and now that we’re off travelling around the world the weight of my mac is so much better and trust me it makes a huge difference.
-The Time Machine function makes it super easy to backup all my files without really having to do anything but maybe check if PC’s have a similar version.
-It always seems easier to troubleshoot a problem on my mac than my girlfriends PC and furthermore I am yet to have a virus in the 5 years I’ve owned this laptop and after 3 months the PC had over 100 viruses trying to infect it.
-I’m not sure how much you’re into making and editing movies but FinalCut pro is so fun and easy to use and iMovie is a pretty awesome standard movie editing software.

Hope that helps!

I thought you had to get a brand new computer recently? why was that again?

cords - 13 May 2012 11:13 PM
spaz - 13 May 2012 09:08 PM

Cords, did you try using the right side of the mouse - it works.  teacherboy

I think its on the laptop things I’ve used. All I want to do is right click and open a new browsing tab - never been able to manage it. Actually come to think about it, I have tried it on a desktop mac that was in a mac lab at one of the schools I did casual at and it definitely didn’t work. I had to ask the kids how to do it and they showed me some keyboard shortcut that was anything but intuitive!

with a mac straight out of a box there is n o right click, you have to control click or something but if you customise your mac you can make a right click work. I grow up with the good old right click therefore i use it.

I think its whatever you grow up using you like better and everyone that hates mac are just afraid of change, i have heard so many stories about people who loved windows and changed to a mac but i have mates that refuse to use mac at all but they are hardcore gamers!

also once you find out a few of the hotkeys/shortcuts on a mac it makes it super easy/efficient to use a mac.

cords - 13 May 2012 11:13 PM
spaz - 13 May 2012 09:08 PM

Cords, did you try using the right side of the mouse - it works.  teacherboy

I think its on the laptop things I’ve used. All I want to do is right click and open a new browsing tab - never been able to manage it. Actually come to think about it, I have tried it on a desktop mac that was in a mac lab at one of the schools I did casual at and it definitely didn’t work. I had to ask the kids how to do it and they showed me some keyboard shortcut that was anything but intuitive!

Click on links with your scroll wheel, it opens the link in a new tab, much better than right clicking.

And to close a tab, click the scroll wheel on the tab and it closes.

static_22 - 13 May 2012 10:59 PM

I personally don’t see how Mac can be better at all. It’s way too over-priced for what you get.

Yep, just like I said, “Anyone who prefers cheapness to quality just won’t appreciate the benefits of a Mac.”

spaz - 13 May 2012 09:08 PM

SamNZ Your points are valid but I feel you have an extremely anti mac attitude and due to that refuse to give Apple any credit.

As I stated earlier, I used to be quite good with Mac’s back in the day, I used them a lot in my younger school days. I also like the iPhone and iOS. I dislike who Steve Jobs was and the way Apple operate as a business… But that doesn’t reflect how I feel about Mac’s and OS X.
I think you feel so strongly about Mac’s that you don’t seem to understand why anyone can feel differently. Both my Brother (who once bought himself a Mac for a period of time) and Father are computer technicians and have been IT admins, their choice? Windows. My sister, an architect? Mac.
I also stated earlier I was given a Mac and gave it a go, it didn’t work for me. I actually was really hoping I could keep the Mac as my previous laptop was broken and I barely had the money for a new one. I’ve had enough time and access to decide for myself, I prefer PC’s and Windows for all reasons stated already. It just works better for me.

I am only limited on my PC by my processor, graphics card, and RAM. My OS doesn’t limit me to do anything. And the Hardware is also the same hardware that Apple uses.

Microsoft didn’t steal half those idea’s either. Computers with keyboards that ran on electricity existed before both Apple and Microsoft were created. Gates was selling them out of his basement as a teen even. If you’re suggesting Apple didn’t steal the idea for an mp3 player, but Microsoft did? Apple wasn’t the first to create the mp3 player. They just did an amazing job at making it better for the consumer.
What you’re saying is something along the lines of “so and so made the first snowboard, then licensed this guy to use the same features, and created his own. But he stole that idea”. I’ve seen a Steve Job’s biography, and interviews with his friends… and it doesn’t portray him as a good person, but more an aggressive business man who was an inconsiderate, unsympathetic dictator,  and had his own idealistic view.
This is starting to dive into a pretty slippery slope, and off the threads topic. I’d suggest we all agree to disagree - I think all points arguing for both sides have been raised pretty well.