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Should I buy a MAC or PC laptop…


PC and TJ over for a party?????

That’s an easy decision then!!!!!! Macbook Pro it is!!!!!


Keeping in mind this was what the Mac I received was unable to do, and not a reflection of Mac’s in general.

I couldn’t run any games I wanted to due to lack of support.
The OS was incompatible with any virtualbox available so I couldn’t run basic files that even windows 98 would’ve. I also already had a huge collection of windows software, some of which was not available for Mac (hence another want for a virtualbox).
Unable to use NTFS file system/lack of compatibility to other users/storage disks. 
Found the mac struggle to run programs like Photoshop at acceptable performance compared to my PC.
The start up time was hardly any improvement than a PC which is often a strong argument from Mac users. (though not really a concern for me, but I did look at it).
And I am prepared to be flamed for this - torrenting programs and games on a Mac? pfffft good luck.
Unable to customize and tweak the OS as much. Mac is good at face value but Windows has a better interface for anything deeper than opening programs, watching videos and browsing the web.
I had trouble with using other systems like PSP on the Mac.
And one of the biggest gripes is the lack of programs and support - most are developed for PC before Mac, this also makes them more stable on a PC OS.

Honestly, 15 years with PC’s means I know my way around them and can do anything I want. I also used to use Macs at school and was pretty good with the OS. But getting used to the new Mac wasn’t easy, relearning new shortcuts and how everything works. And in all fairness I gave it a shot and hated it.

Some other things about OS X that I stumbled across on a Mac users forum;
OSX Graphics drivers are not as good as PC’s
it’s been found that Snow Leopard crashes more than Windows 7 and is more insecure

Let’s be clear. More so than trying to say OS X and Mac’s aren’t good. I hate the myths surrounding Mac’s Vs. Pc’s like virus’s and the general idea that Mac’s are better. I also hate how overpriced apple are. Even iPhones are the same when you compare specs with another (but hey, different debate, right? And for the record I quite like iOS and iPhones). There are things Mac’s are better at, but more so a PC is more functional overall, at almost half the price (in some cases). Thus, I will always support the PC.

chucky - 12 May 2012 12:38 PM

The ignorance in your statement is pathetic.

Uh, yeah my bad for the way in which that was said. While I do stand behind it as a way to describe/reference the OS’s compared to each other, it was more of a joke reflecting the way you had worded such a bold claim that “The Mac OS is a far superior operating system.” with no claims to why other than the fact the OS runs natively on the system that was built specifically for it. Yeah, apologies.

spaz - 12 May 2012 01:05 PM

Plenty of stories of 50yo 1300 engines running without an oil change or tuning. One close to home is the backup motor for Thredbo’s chairlift. Runs perfect every time it’s started.
Most of them are barn finds.
Changing tires and oil would be the equivilant of emptying the trash, charging the battery and upgrading security settings on a Mac. It’s not like graphic, sound cards, screen or HD replacement are required.

If I built my own machine it wouldn’t be a laptop. Don’t want to have to fiddle with a potable device.
I can be sure my MacBook Pro can bounce around in my backpack while boarding and filming then edit while enjoying schnapps later (only do this with a SSD)

Excuse me, I’m not trying to be rude and call you a liar, but I don’t believe you that a chairlift’s engine has been running for years without an oil change or any maintenance. Again, not calling you a liar, but that is a bold claim - if it’s Backup engine then probably doesn’t need as much maintenance as the ones running fulltime. I know engines can run for over 50 thousand KM’s on the same oil, but does that mean it’s good for it? No. Do people who know better let it happen? probably not.
As I say, they have probably not been driven/run many km’s and therefore don’t need the oil changed as often.
An oil change is maintenance. It just simply is. As are changing the tyres. Anything you do to a car to keep it on the road is maintenance. Anything you do to keep your computer running smoothly is maintenance. Edit:Sorry, I think I missed your point there for a second. I get it now.
I’m not sure why maintenance was referring to upgrading hardware specially though - we’ve already established that the Dell has superior specs and therefore won’t need to be upgraded as soon, there is little difference in quality of hardware each one uses as well as both Macs and PC use a lot of the same hardware. The maintenance I was referring to was the OS - and oh yes, even a Mac’s OS can become corrupt and need repairing, though I will admit it is less common. PC’s can also have SSD, that is not a special Mac feature.

TJswish - 12 May 2012 01:32 PM

They make a well designed product and the battery life performs way better than the comparable Windows laptop.

God, does it what. They do do battery’s well. Huge plus for Mac’s right there in terms of mobility and practicability on the go.



Seriously u ppl can’t give any constructive feedback and let him decide based on it, I seriously dunno how this 3 pages of reply wold help him decide what to get.

Dan in my opinion pc or Mac this days they both do the job, if u want to save money go with win laptop hey are much cheaper yet they will still last u, if u got money get Mac as they look nicer and they are potentially more stable as its based on Linux, I got Mac but I have removed Mac os and running Debian Linux on it .

At the end of the day man it’s what want.


Oh god Dan…. why would u ever post this? lol teacherboy

It’s like posting about religion or politics…. you know there’s gunna be blood!

But since I’m here anyway - PC all the way!!!

Macs are so incredibly over priced… usually for a machine that has a weak ass video card.
Why the hell would anyone pay so much to get less?

*Andy stands by his words and waits for abuse

lanox - 12 May 2012 02:30 PM

I got Mac but I have removed Mac os and running Debian Lanox on it .

At the end of the day man it’s what chicks want.



SamNZ it seems your knowledge is firmly planted with your beliefs. You should believe I’m not lying because I’ve written it on an online forum wink
1300 type1 aircooled boxer engines have proven themselves the most reliable combustion engine of all time, hands down without challenge. Set to run, without oil, at full rpm, next to it’s closest non VW rival, it will last 50X longer. Most engines last under 3min.
I admire your ‘‘edit’’ notes and respect your input, many points raised I agree with.

I’m guessing the mac you inherited was more than 5yo. I can run ANY windows program on mine while, at the same time, running apple.
Leopard is memory hungry and unstable - snow leopard not so.
Dan is asking about a new mac, not about getting an outdated one that has developed problems and is being given away.

Hardware lasts longer on Mac due to better engineering eg; a cool hd doesn’t warp.

So he pays more for well planned design and intuitive software with a mac, it will last longer with less maintenance than the much cheaper PC rival.

Great specs mean little, a supercar has great specs but needs much tlc to keep them running. My 45yo VW goes like a supercar, maybe better, but has poor specs on paper. It may defy logic that 120HP out performs 500HP but that is called good engineering and quality build in a proven design.

Mac laptops are not Apple’s spec sheet superstars it’s their desktop computers where they really trump PC.

DAN you wont be limited to apple only software if go mac.

Andy Aitken - 12 May 2012 02:53 PM

Oh god Dan…. why would u ever post this? lol teacherboy

It’s like posting about religion or politics…. you know there’s gunna be blood!

But since I’m here anyway - PC all the way!!!

Macs are so incredibly over priced… usually for a machine that has a weak ass video card.
Why the hell would anyone pay so much to get less?

*Andy stands by his words and waits for abuse

i agree and will back you up michelle

I have 3 mates who swear by Macs, 2 are graphic designers and one is a dj.
For multimedia production etc. they are cool (mind you pcs can do the same things) for games etc. PC all the way.

At the end of the day ignore 80% of the bullshit in this and every thread on the net in regards to PC vs Macs and stick to the facts.


im gonna have my 2 cents worth, what made it easier for me i found out what i was going to do with the computer i was buying, Pc for games no doubt but for all my multimedia stuff i got a mac, also spaz is right i got a mac pro last week and they are crazy! they are what macs are capable of;

Two 2.4GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon “Westmere” processors
6GB (six 1GB) memory
1TB hard drive
18x double-layer SuperDrive
ATI Radeon HD 5770 with 1GB GDDR5

Andy Aitken - 12 May 2012 02:57 PM
lanox - 12 May 2012 02:30 PM

I got Mac but I have removed Mac os and running Debian Lanox on it .

At the end of the day man it’s what chicks want.



Haha Andy when I read that Debian LanoX I was great u stuffed it once again lol

Rick0889 - 13 May 2012 12:19 AM

im gonna have my 2 cents worth, what made it easier for me i found out what i was going to do with the computer i was buying, Pc for games no doubt but for all my multimedia stuff i got a mac, also spaz is right i got a mac pro last week and they are crazy! they are what macs are capable of;

Two 2.4GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon “Westmere” processors
6GB (six 1GB) memory
1TB hard drive
18x double-layer SuperDrive
ATI Radeon HD 5770 with 1GB GDDR5

How cute! A little baby Mac Pro wink
Wait till you grow it up! I know of peeps running 32GB memory


haha thats what i bought but i got four 4gb ram sticks coming inso ill have a little more. currently my mac pro has more ram but a worse processor.  also I’m gonna pm you about this school thing in about 5mins!!


It might be worth mentioning that Intel has only just released its newest CPUs and associated chipset.  I would not buy right now until you can be sure you are getting a PC or Mac that has the new chips (called Ivy Bridge, old one was Sandy Bridge).  It is expected that “ultrabooks” (small form factor laptops) will be cheaper than the previous generation, and there are some rumours that Apple’s forthcoming new laptops may follow suit.  I understand the new Mac laptops are expected around June.  HP has already announced their new Ivy Bridge based ultrabooks, others will soon follow.


I would say MAC MAC MAC just because I have grown up using them and once you get familiar with the system it makes using your computer a breeze (but I guess you could say that for anyone thats always used a PC).

I have a macbook pro and top 5 reasons I love it are:

-dropped it from 120cm onto my tiled bathroom floor, put a bit of a dint in the side but that was 2 years ago and it’s still working fine now.
-I bought my girlfriend a PC and now that we’re off travelling around the world the weight of my mac is so much better and trust me it makes a huge difference.
-The Time Machine function makes it super easy to backup all my files without really having to do anything but maybe check if PC’s have a similar version.
-It always seems easier to troubleshoot a problem on my mac than my girlfriends PC and furthermore I am yet to have a virus in the 5 years I’ve owned this laptop and after 3 months the PC had over 100 viruses trying to infect it.
-I’m not sure how much you’re into making and editing movies but FinalCut pro is so fun and easy to use and iMovie is a pretty awesome standard movie editing software.

Hope that helps!

spaz - 13 May 2012 03:41 AM

How cute! A little baby Mac Pro wink
Wait till you grow it up! I know of peeps running 32GB memory

Haha, oh yeah? I’ve seen 200gb systems wink

Most people don’t need over 4gb either. What are they doing? playing games and editing videos at the same time?


Windows for sure. I’m anti mac. Mac SUCKS. difficult interface and SUCKS BALLS for playing games.

I still don’t get why people call windows PC. PC stands for personal computer, so what? your Macbook is not your personal computer? It’s stupid.