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Billy’s Opening Weekend Countdown!


Woohoo keep it up mother nature!!! Surprisingly warmish this morning in Canberra but the wind is cold and can see snow clouds over the mountains.


Just realised that Perisher started snow making last night!

Woot this is where it really is at for this time of the year

(yes I am just jealous of that photo above and trying to console myself that it means nothing for snow on the ground for opening weekend)

guns going last night


yeah they did start making snow last night! im staying in jindy for opening weekend for 3 nights recon there will be much snow?


I hope so! As I am there too.

Where are you staying? If not the Station we should meet for a drink.


I’m stupidly keen for the season to start. I need to get some practice in before the Shred!

ozgirl - 13 May 2012 03:26 AM

I hope so! As I am there too.

Where are you staying? If not the Station we should meet for a drink.

i will be at the station friday saturday and sunday night smile


so yes drinks will defs be on the cards!


Aint driving out there!!

or will you come into civilisation??


Cams looking good this morning.

Bloody freezing down here this morning. Was 8 degrees and raining last night.


-4 in Canbrrrrr this morning


26 sleeps! shred


Check out guthega this morning.


oooh winter wonderland! I just hope it keeps comin’!!! *crosses fingers*


What’s everyone’s plans? I’ll be at Falls, regardless if there’s snow or not.


openeing weekend im not so sure. if i have no other plans(if there is a half decent amount of snow im there 100%) i may head up