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Should I buy a MAC or PC laptop…


The topic was PC (DELL that uses Windows OS) or Mac????? I could be wrong about this?????

Had my Mac for 4 years and no maintenance required, and no dramas to date!!!!!

The so called Technologically Unchallenged article also finishes with the ending of “They even overprice MS products” referrin to Office for Mac at $400!!!!!

No need to even buy Office when iWork does that for $129?????

Maybe if ya even actually purchased a Mac, then ya might see exactly just how they differ?????


I’ve owned a Mac before, Mizu.It was given to me, and I gave it away pretty quickly too. Purchase one though? LOL why would I do that when I could buy a PC for less than half the price that is capable of more?

Yes, it’s about the mac Vs Pc, but the problems you were stating were to do with the OS.

The point wasn’t that you need MS Office, it was that Apple were charging more for an MS product than MS charges for itself! Was that not made clear by the overstating of how every single component of an Apple computer is overpriced when compared to PC?

I wasn’t suggesting you would have dramas with a Mac. In fact I agreed they were more stable. But my point was that Windows isn’t as unstable as you would like to make it out to be. It has come along way since Windows ME, you know.

Also I’m gonna go out on a limb and say Mac’s no longer hold aesthetics over PC’s either. My laptop is almost the same as a mac’s case and if I showed you the desktop you probably wouldn’t guess it was running windows just by looking at it - which is another point that windows is more customizable. Where as Mac’s are stuck with one look (as far as I am aware).


Some well built cars need no maintenance for them to keep going for 50years (1300 VW Beetle). With maintenance they outlast very car ever built - like in futurama a VW Kombi will be dug out of the ground in 3000 years and still go.
It’s no accident Subaru engine is similar.

Dan, the main thing you mentioned is not replacing it for several years. For this reason alone I suggest Mac.
I often tell people to get a PC over Mac because for the price you can buy a new PC every time something goes wrong (3/year for 3 years), stay on top of latest tech and never pay for repairs. A Mac will last 5years and only then be lagging on tech, you will not need to replace parts or software. Upgrades are free.

The MacBook Pro can easily be upgraded to 8GB (it plugs in under the battery).
My specs are;
i7 quad
(the only thing I’m missing is THUNDERBOLT)
I run 8TB of Hard Drives, view everything on a 50” 1080screen.

PC wipes Mac for gaming.

Mac is easily worth it. If you hate computers get a Mac you’ll never go back. They are built for people not nerds.
Yet so many nerds revel in Linux on Mac


Don’t really care what my setup looks like!!!!!

As I stated before, I want it to do the job that I intended it to do!!!!!

Pretty sure Dan will run Windows on the PC as most people do????? I might be wrong?????

Again, why buy MS Office if ya DON’T have to????? Pretty sure that MS has a say in the RRP of it’s software anyway????? I might be wrong yet again?????

Anyway, what I have noticed is that a lot of names have been bandied about in this thread already, such as Geeks, Retards, Arrogant Consumers and Pretentious Douches to name a few!!!!!

I can see that PC users actually have a tendency to revert to stuff like this for some reason!!!!! Coincidental link perhaps????? I might be wrong?????

Oh, I also had $50 bucks on you havin owned a Mac too!!!!! And I’m not a bettin man either!!!!! I knew that I would be right!!!!!

spaz - 12 May 2012 10:54 AM

Some well built cars need no maintenance for them to keep going for 50years (1300 VW Beetle). With maintenance they outlast very car ever built - like in futurama a VW Kombi will be dug out of the ground in 3000 years and still go.
It’s no accident Subaru engine is similar.

Must be true. Futurama said it will happen in the future. “no maintenance”? Must have been using the same oil, oil filter, tyres, clutch and everything else for 50 years huh?

Chances are the reason it’s been running so long is due to good maintenance and careful drivers - that or lack of being driven very often.

Also, as you can see, this brand new Mac is already lagging on tech compared to the Dell. Therefore the Mac would have to be upgraded sooner if you’re wanting to do newer things in future.

Most of what else you state I agree - if he doesn’t want to replace it for a long time. Mac’s also hold their resale value very well… due in part to the expensive retail price, and myths like they can’t get virus’s.

Mizu Kuma - 12 May 2012 11:04 AM

Don’t really care what my setup looks like!!!!!

As I stated before, I want it to do the job that I intended it to do!!!!!

Pretty sure Dan will run Windows on the PC as most people do????? I might be wrong?????

Again, why buy MS Office if ya DON’T have to????? Pretty sure that MS has a say in the RRP of it’s software anyway????? I might be wrong yet again?????

Anyway, what I have noticed is that a lot of names have been bandied about in this thread already, such as Geeks, Retards, Arrogant Consumers and Pretentious Douches to name a few!!!!!

I can see that PC users actually have a tendency to revert to stuff like this for some reason!!!!! Coincidental link perhaps????? I might be wrong?????

Oh, I also had $50 bucks on you havin owned a Mac too!!!!! And I’m not a bettin man either!!!!! I knew that I would be right!!!!!

Glad I made you a richer man! Hopefully one day I get to see a share of that money then! Although I am unsure why that enters this in anyway. My sister is a mac fan and she gave me her Mac when she upgraded. It couldn’t do what I wanted so I got rid of it.

You miss the point about MS office I think? it’s to do with apple, no MS. MS just make it and sell it at a price. Apple have taken it and put the price up even more. MS would be selling it to apple below the RRP of course to get Mac users using it. Also unsure why apple need to sell it if “iword”(?) can do it all.

I saw “Pretentious Douches” but haven’t seen any of those other words. I used “hipster” as a characterization but not as an insult. So I’m unsure where you got those other ones from.

EDIT: went back and saw “retard” which was a generalization towards people who are technology illiterate and not aimed at either Mac or PC users. Also saw “geek” which was neither directed at either. Both were used to describe people but not as insults.

SamNZ - 12 May 2012 11:10 AM
Mizu Kuma - 12 May 2012 11:04 AM

Don’t really care what my setup looks like!!!!!

As I stated before, I want it to do the job that I intended it to do!!!!!

Pretty sure Dan will run Windows on the PC as most people do????? I might be wrong?????

Again, why buy MS Office if ya DON’T have to????? Pretty sure that MS has a say in the RRP of it’s software anyway????? I might be wrong yet again?????

Anyway, what I have noticed is that a lot of names have been bandied about in this thread already, such as Geeks, Retards, Arrogant Consumers and Pretentious Douches to name a few!!!!!

I can see that PC users actually have a tendency to revert to stuff like this for some reason!!!!! Coincidental link perhaps????? I might be wrong?????

Oh, I also had $50 bucks on you havin owned a Mac too!!!!! And I’m not a bettin man either!!!!! I knew that I would be right!!!!!

Glad I made you a richer man! Hopefully one day I get to see a share of that money then! Although I am unsure why that enters this in anyway. My sister is a mac fan and she gave me her Mac when she upgraded. It couldn’t do what I wanted so I got rid of it.

You miss the point about MS office I think? it’s to do with apple, no MS. MS just make it and sell it at a price. Apple have taken it and put the price up even more. MS would be selling it to apple below the RRP of course to get Mac users using it. Also unsure why apple need to sell it if “iword”(?) can do it all.

I saw “Pretentious Douches” but haven’t seen any of those other words. I used “hipster” as a characterization but not as an insult. So I’m unsure where you got those other ones from.

EDIT: went back and saw “retard” which was a generalization towards people who are technology illiterate and not aimed at either Mac or PC users. Also saw “geek” which was neither directed at either. Both were used to describe people but not as insults.

Cheers for that, I’ll put the $50 toward my next Mac!!!!! Should need an upgrade by 2020????? Invested correctly, I should get one for less than a DELL?????

Apple most likely added the MS Office Mac version due to cosumer demand????? iWork will do everythin that Office does, plus it will allow any MS Office file to be viewed/edited as well!!!!! Like I said before, no need for MS Office for Mac anyways!!!!!

As for the names, I can handle it as I have a mighty thick skin, along with what apparently equates to a thick head!!!!! It was just an observation, that’s all!!!!!

SamNZ - 12 May 2012 11:10 AM

My sister is a mac fan and she gave me her Mac when she upgraded. It couldn’t do what I wanted so I got rid of it.


What is it that you couldn’t do on the Mac?

I am not wanting to enter the debate over which is best. I use Mac and love it.
I also use Windows and loved it until I got a Mac, either way that is unimportant, just stating where I am coming from.

The only thing I couldn’t do on a Mac that I needed to was run Quickbooks. There is a US / Canada version that I could easily adapt to use, it is brilliant. My accountant was not to excited about it (well I was not excited about buying him a copy)

I now use Quickbooks online, which after four months of it, find the interface between Windows and Mac are crap :( It is nice to have it on my smart phone.
None of the short cuts are available and it constantly drops out. The more I use it, the more I think I’ll just buy the disc copy and pull out the Windows based laptop smile

I would like to think that we (myself + family) do a large spectrum of consumer computing and we have never had anything we couldn’t do and needed windows to do yet (apart from QB)

What sort of things did you need to do?

Quite frankly I find these discussions as retarded as to which is better, akin to snowboarding or skiing be better than the other (shit I can’t believe I just said that red face )


I’ve just recently bought myself a mac and I’ve had it for a while now and no problems. I feel the Macbook design is much better than most other laptops. It’s simple and clean and doesn’t overheat. They have a very different feel from Windows OS laptops and the screens on the Macbooks are very crisp.

The battery life on the macbook is really good compared to my Acer laptop. But then again, that might be because the batteries in Acer laptops suck? But yeah.

The trackpad or whatever is very nice and smooth and the multi finger swipes and stuff are cool. Boot up time and shutdown time are actually pretty fast too.

The keyboard also lights up which makes typing in the dark easier and you can also change the brightness of that light or turn it off completely.

Speakers are pretty loud too.

The keyboard is built nicely and doesn’t get dirt/hair or stuff underneath the keys.

In the end it really doesn’t matter what you get, its really down to personal preference.
If you don’t mind spending the extra money and wanting to try something new and to have cool little features and stuff. Go for the Mac.

If you want to get the best performance for gaming or whatever and you’re on a budget. Then get a Windows PC or laptop.

TJswish - 12 May 2012 10:04 AM
chucky - 12 May 2012 07:42 AM
SamNZ - 12 May 2012 07:25 AM

Mac’s are overpriced.

Wrong. Macs are appropriately priced for the position in the marketplace.

Yea, they are perfectly priced for pretentious douches.

They’re a premium product, so what?

Given the choice between the Hyundai I once owned and my current Audi, there’s simply no comparison. Referring to people who appreciate the finer things in life as “pretentious douches” says a lot more about the issues of the person making the statement, than anyone they’re making it about.

SamNZ - 12 May 2012 10:07 AM
chucky - 12 May 2012 07:46 AM

Wrong. Macs are appropriately priced for the position in the marketplace.

The Mac OS is a far superior operating system.

Apple computers natively run the Mac OS, Windows computers do not.


The arrogance in your statement is hilarious. Linux is superior. OS X is for children.

The ignorance in your statement is pathetic.

Once again for the illiterate. Clearly, I was comparing the Mac and Windows operating systems - the ONLY consumer-level computer operating systems available.

As far as the pricing issue goes, some people have the intellectual capability and refinement to appreciate the benefits of premium products, some do not. Their loss.


I like you as a prentious douch chucky, maybe change your screen name? We would all know it was you anyway.

Plenty of stories of 50yo 1300 engines running without an oil change or tuning. One close to home is the backup motor for Thredbo’s chairlift. Runs perfect every time it’s started.
Most of them are barn finds.
Changing tires and oil would be the equivilant of emptying the trash, charging the battery and upgrading security settings on a Mac. It’s not like graphic, sound cards, screen or HD replacement are required.

If I built my own machine it wouldn’t be a laptop. Don’t want to have to fiddle with a potable device.
I can be sure my MacBook Pro can bounce around in my backpack while boarding and filming then edit while enjoying schnapps later (only do this with a SSD)

SamNZ - 12 May 2012 10:20 AM

. . . if you’re that technologically challenged that you can’t keep windows running at a basic level then you should probably go for the Mac.

Some people enjoy spending a large portion of their time under their cars, covered in grease, constantly working on keeping them running. Good for them.

Other people simply like to hop into their car, turn the key, and know that not only will it reliably get them from A to B, but the ride will be an absolute pleasure.

spaz - 12 May 2012 01:05 PM

I like you as a prentious douch chucky . . .

You’re a premium product, spaz.


When I first saw this thread, I knew it would turn into a shit-fight…

If you have the money and want to give Mac a go, there are some cool features that come with it. They make a well designed product and the battery life performs way better than the comparable Windows laptop.

If you feel like you can keep a Windows PC running for more than 2 years, than the 1/3rd price probably makes it a much better choice. You probably also know how to use windows and therefore you can use that $1500 extra to buy a few cases of beer and have me over for a party…