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Blizz, Darks and static_22’s Family Feud Thread


i had no idea what u on about till that link,  love thos man they taste so good.


Ah interesting. These were the ones that were all the rage the last time i went to the factory.


Thats just not right!!! What world have we created where people subject others to that level of lack of flavour???  Overindulgence of flavour is maybe more correct but if you are telling me those flavors actually exist (and Dragon agrees) I feel more empowered with my decision to give up sugar!!! DAMN YOU CRAP SUGAR!!!


dragon if you go out to Majura Park and into the old brand Depot building there is a sweets shop next to Woollies that sells them!!! Go have a look at lunch time you don’t work that far from it!

ozgirl - 10 May 2012 08:57 AM

Is that because you are more embarrassed to ask Dark than he would be buying them for you?

Dark… oh Dark….. Would you buy Blizz tampons if she asked???

I hate getting her “super soakers” from the bathroom when she asks!!  shut eye


sugar = another drug that’s legal but helping reduce human population. Completely unnecessary (but I love it).

blizzard_22 - 10 May 2012 09:33 AM

dragon if you go out to Majura Park and into the old brand Depot building there is a sweets shop next to Woollies that sells them!!! Go have a look at lunch time you don’t work that far from it!

Will do - for purely curiosity reasons . . .



Mental note for all males out there… NEVER refer to women’s sanitary products (tampons) as “super soakers” or you’ll end up here:

Apparently women are sensitive about it… who knew?! LOL

Darkclouds097 - 13 May 2012 07:27 AM

Mental note for all males out there… NEVER refer to women’s sanitary products (tampons) as “super soakers” or you’ll end up here:

Apparently women are sensitive about it… who knew?! LOL

You’re permanently in the dog house. You should start decorating the place.

static_22 - 13 May 2012 07:56 AM
Darkclouds097 - 13 May 2012 07:27 AM

Mental note for all males out there… NEVER refer to women’s sanitary products (tampons) as “super soakers” or you’ll end up here:

Apparently women are sensitive about it… who knew?! LOL

You’re permanently in the dog house. You should start decorating the place.

Yeh well at least the dog house will be in the alfresco of the new house and not just out in the open like the old house!!!


Quote from Jenna when watching The Voice - “Clearly he wasn’t playing the garage!” ...Umm I think the word you’re after is ‘guitar’ perhaps??! HA HA


You watch that crap?????  rolleyes

Darkclouds097 - 14 May 2012 11:10 AM

Quote from Jenna when watching The Voice - “Clearly he wasn’t playing the garage!” ...Umm I think the word you’re after is ‘guitar’ perhaps??! HA HA

You suuuuuck!!!



Facebook debate re: Canberra hotter than Thredbo.
Keep laughing about communication breakdown guys. It happens; this thread is a celebration about differences.
Its the grit within a oyster that creates a pearl, just like its the irritation in a relationship that creates love.


LOL spaz! I seriously would prefer a Summer in the Snowy Mountains than in Canberra! Although I would probably prefer no Summer at all LOL

Things may change once we are in our new house with ducted aircon shaka