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#1 reason I hate centerlink

ozgirl - 08 May 2012 11:36 PM
spaz - 08 May 2012 09:54 PM

its called **********

Yeah! like I’m gonna tell and have the locals call me off every wave I paddle into.

I do not understand this - yes i understand the logic but i still don’t get it!

and if you can’t share all the details why share at all?


I actually don’t get this either. I understand the uneasiness in sharing names, and when it comes down to it, the name of the place is irrelevant - however! In this context, sharing the name of the wave wouldn’t be such a big deal, as it is highly unlikely that deano or anyone else who sees it would organise a troop to invade the place at the next swell….and even less unlikely that the locals would somehow link the imaginary invading troop to spaz and therefore him no longer get waves there…


I’ve specifically been asked not to mention it’s name.
And I don’t like surfing crowded waves! When it starts breaking it takes a while for word to get around and I’ve never known it to break this time of year so most people aren’t even bothering to check it.

On Sunday morning I checked it at 4am and 5 cars were parked waiting for the sun to rise (2hr wait) that was less than 24hrs after it started to break nicely.
I have little doubt these were people in the know and had received phone calls, then drove some distance to get there. I know one came from Ulladulla.

I take a lot of photo’s/video here and don’t want the same thing to happen here that has happened to Headies. What are your thought’s on Cronulla lidders arriving in groups of +10 from the train Cords? That only happened after Booger mag’s and video’s touted Headies as Shark Islands little brother (Headies can be seen from the train- that doesn’t help). Fortunately this spot isn’t easily visible from the road or train only the houses surrounding it have a view.

I checked this spot today, the surf was half the size and the tide was wrong. There were +20 in the water and the carpark was full of peeps waiting incase it started breaking nice - it didn’t. I surfed elsewhere so I could test my surfboard mount for my Drift.

It’s a spot worth keeping secrete.

A nice photo doesn’t need to disclose it’s location to be appreciated. I’m happy to tell BWM it’s location but not announce it on a popular site like boardworld.
If you must know PM me.


I agreed with you in saying that the location doesn’t really need to be disclosed and if you are sworn to secrecy then that is that. If you hadn’t promised though, I’d still wager that posting it in this context would have no effect on the place whatsoever and even less chance of the non-existent effect being traced back to you.

It was Mark Warren’s surf atlas that specifically mentions headies as shark island’s little brother. Kids know more about wannasurf than mark warren these days!

I haven’t noticed anything happen to headies, except that there is a young gen of local groms coming through & surfing it in every condition (which was always going to happen) and there don’t seem to be as many NE swells these days! I dunno about +10s from the trains. Usually in the school holidays there is a carload that come regularly and think they own the place but that is about the only time I’ve noticed Nulla kids as a problem…and even then it doesn’t really bother me as I live(d) close enough to just wait for them to leave. I also can’t remember the last time (if I ever have) seen a published photo in a mag or wave in a vid.


In the last 10 years headies lost all it’s magic - since the floods of ‘98. Rarely mag/vid worthy.

Many spots on this 10km of coast are respected by surf journo’s not to expose it - they learned their lesson after Mark Warren, he touted the spot in this photo as one of the top 2 waves in NSW (breaking at it’s best).

Places like Clifton or Virgin’s are eagerly published and named as they are hard to get too. A spot that you can pull up at in your car but is hidden from hoards is worth keeping secrete.

I agree it wouldn’t be traced back to me. But openly naming it would undermine earned respect. Surfers will find spots and generally not surf them if crowded unless it’s on their to do list. To get on a to do list it needs a name. Just look at Pipe.

This spot has a variety of names, when surfers talk about it in the street they do it in code or a newly created name so any ease droppers don’t know.
eg: today in the middle of Thirroul I asked someone (obviously just out of the water) if they had been out at ******* - his reply was a nod “but it was no good and not worth it” With a big smile on his face wink