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energy drink survey




Is it Ok if I lied?

On the last question, Where are you originally from? I put “The Death Star” cause it sound way cooler than Melbourne cheese



I love me some V!
seriously V is like my reason for getting up in the morning. Red bull is up there too.



Done. smile



Azz - 08 May 2012 12:05 PM

Is it Ok if I lied?

On the last question, Where are you originally from? I put “The Death Star” cause it sound way cooler than Melbourne cheese



Done. Red Bull FTW though. Is it just me though, or do all energy drinks taste really bad when they’re not freezing cold?


I have often wondered what the shot ones taste like for that very reason Koper!


They all taste like sugary death, except V is the only one i can bear properly (redbull just reminds me of jager)

The concentrate you can get from chinese stores is inanse!

IIRC normal redbull contains 400 mg/100ml of tuarine or gurana whilst the concentrate consists of 1000mg/100ml (it may be 800…i cant recall)

snowdragon - 08 May 2012 10:49 AM
Jordan - 08 May 2012 10:12 AM

did it smile
there are very few events that couldnt be improved by a red bull
atleast its not booze

depending on volume\intake etc. worse than booze, but its more acceptable right?! nutritionally beer is better for you . .

its the more acceptable thing i was getting at, i know how bad they are for you i mean we had people come to our school strap monitors to their chest and have an unlabled can of energy drink and we sat there and watched their heart rates become erratic
but if i walk down the street with a mother in my hand atleast i dont look as scummy as the kids sitting by the river with a goon sack and whatever they can steal from their parents


Red Bull will likely have you floating face down in the river. At least it will create some population control in a few years.
Goon is more likely to save your life by thinning your blood and relieving stress. RB does the opposite.

Guarana Is an illicit plant in Australia the drug derived from it’s root causes many heart attacks throughout asia. It’s similar to speed but with more physical effects.

Caffeine warps your brain - literally. It also has huge amounts of antioxidants.

Anyone know the history of Coke Cola - it was developed by a chemist and included a large amount of cocaine and sold as a health and vitality tonic. It wasn’t for many years, until the government saw the dangers developing. then it was outlawed but the company had made it’s money and it’s mark in peoples psyche. Coke changed the formula but did what they could to retain the taste.

Anything in moderation your body can tolerate.

Most of the contents in energy drinks can only safely be administered by a health professional. Drinking them of your own accord is the equivalent of self medicating.

Looking good to the socially aware makes a person look like an uneducated tool. Hand me the goon!


I agree with what you’re saying. But maybe not quite as extreme as all that. I don’t think energy drinks are the anti-christ that people say they are. But just shouldn’t be drunk regularly.

Can I give a reminder that energy drink companies sponsor EVERYTHING we do. Rockstar and Monster put on some rad events.
And Red Bull?

Well just imagine a world without “That’s It That’s All”    ohh


I’m going off Australian Medical Conference information and the opinion and direction the health community want the Australian government to take.

Our government is influenced by England, who’s head of state married to the founder of WWF (WWF’s initiative is to reduce human population for the survival of the planet and it’s species).

My personal opinion is much to confrontational. Basically I think people should drink this stuff and illicit drugs should be available.

These type of sports used to be sponsored by cigarette companies - if EVERYTHING we did was sponsored by Smith&Western; or Exxon Valdez I wouldn’t care, but it wouldn’t make them healthy products. Just as energy drinks aren’t good for you.


BTW I drink this stuff, I’m no health freak - I’m far from it!