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Gymnastic Training in Snowboarding?

Andy Aitken - 03 May 2012 09:05 AM

I guess it comes down to the difference between a “Winner” and a “Champion of the People”.

Yep. Look at Lago vs. White at the last Olympics - Scotty was all “I’m riding for Kevin” and pimping out his ‘Frends’, and Shaun was all about “ME ME ME”.

AlexK - 03 May 2012 09:05 AM

I too can’t say I’m much of a fan of Shaun White, but I don’t think anyone can honestly deny that the majority of the worlds population (mostly non-snowboarders) think he is our spokesperson and pay him like he is our spokesperson.

Spot on. The general public, who don’t know any better, only listen to mainstream media and marketing hacks - who don’t know any better.

AlexK - 03 May 2012 09:05 AM

Personally I believe snowboarding should be enjoyed by everyone, if you want to just snowboard down a field of moguls, great. If you want to just hit urban rails and never even take a turn down a mountain, the more power to you. But if your training (like a gymnast) to become a contest rider who just wants to take home massive paychecks without any appreciation for all the other aspects of the sport . . .

Even worse is countries which normally wouldn’t give a shit about snowboarding, getting involved purely to increase their Olympic medal count - and manufacturing robotic halfpipe drones who otherwise would probably never link a turn in their lives.

AlexK - 03 May 2012 09:05 AM

While some people may argue that all types of snowboarding should be accepted no matter the mindset of the rider, I personally choose to believe that there is a huge difference between snowboarders who ride with the mindset of “fun” and snowboarders who ride with the mindset of “money.”

Absolutely. Just because the “only in for the money” attitude may be prevalent in other sports, does NOT make it acceptable in snowboarding - and the longer we can avoid it, the better.


Just got back form Gymnastics then.

Apart form being ridiculously fun, gave me a greater understanding of rotating/counter rotating the body when initiating spins/flips and helped with spatial awareness when doing said spins/flips.

Highly recommend it to all who want to improve their riding.


Nice Deano

SEE, I TOLD YOU BW PEEPS. Give it a go shaka


Im going to do it every sunday, that…much…fun!


Sweet, I wish I had one around here. When I move down to Jindy for the winter I’ll be getting my jump on down there for sure.


Its mad, the gym is like 10 mins from my house and it has the full set up.

Proper spring loaded floor, full size olympic inground trampoline with 3mx3m foam pit butting up to it. Heaps of spring boards, landing mats, pummel horses, rings, double bars etc. Costs $15 for an hour which consists of 20 min instructed warmup, 30 mins of free reign to do what you want then 10 mins of a stregth/mobility workout.


Does anyone know of any trampoline training centers in Melbourne… or pools with diving boards? In Uni my friends and I always used to hit up the 3m diving boards and try different combos of flips and spins, I miss that.



There has been a ton of hate on the internet concerning this triple and looking too gymnasticky. Personally I can’t decide but I know I’m more stoked on the single frontflip nosegrab and the smooth back 5.

AlexK - 15 May 2012 07:47 AM

. . . I’m more stoked on the single frontflip nosegrab . . .

Same. Smoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooth!

chucky - 15 May 2012 08:07 AM
AlexK - 15 May 2012 07:47 AM

. . . I’m more stoked on the single frontflip nosegrab . . .

Same. Smoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooth!

this we can agree on.

AlexK - 15 May 2012 07:47 AM


There has been a ton of hate on the internet concerning this triple and looking too gymnasticky. Personally I can’t decide but I know I’m more stoked on the single frontflip nosegrab and the smooth back 5.

Too gymnasticky? It looks pretty similar to Torstein’s first triple cork - as in, it’s a bunch of flips and spins. Can you link to where all this hate is taking place? Personally I’m not too fussed on big gimmicky tricks like this though I appreciate how much skill they take to perform, but I’ve seen nothing but praise for the Dude and his triple rodeo from the snowboarding community.

AlexK - 15 May 2012 07:36 AM

Does anyone know of any trampoline training centers in Melbourne… or pools with diving boards? In Uni my friends and I always used to hit up the 3m diving boards and try different combos of flips and spins, I miss that.

I go to Footscray Gymnastics Centre.

deanobruce - 09 May 2012 09:54 PM

Its mad, the gym is like 10 mins from my house and it has the full set up.

Proper spring loaded floor, full size olympic inground trampoline with 3mx3m foam pit butting up to it. Heaps of spring boards, landing mats, pummel horses, rings, double bars etc. Costs $15 for an hour which consists of 20 min instructed warmup, 30 mins of free reign to do what you want then 10 mins of a stregth/mobility workout.

Daaaaaamn! That’s rad. Man I wish I had something like that near me!
I might have to live in Jindy instead of on the mountain this winter so I can hit up the tramps every week.

All this talk has got me keen to get comfortable upside down again evil


I think I may have exaggerated when i said a ‘ton’ of hate. I read that on a blog I can no longer find and now looking through some sites and their comments the negativity isn’t as strong as I originally thought. That being said I think most people agree the smoother tricks are favored over the triples.

Comments I did find: