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Hotham/Falls 2012 regular Boardworld crew


Stealing Spaz’s idea! This one’s for the Victorians - write your name up here with definite dates etc etc - just copy and paste!

Billy - Hotham 9th-13th July and 27th-29th July - and most other weekends alternating with Hotham and Falls Creek - depending who is where!



Billy - Hotham 9th-13th July and 27th-29th July - and most other weekends alternating with Hotham and Falls Creek - depending who is where!

Deanobruce - most if not all weekends with a few extended trips aka sickies if the snow is good enough to extend said weekend.
Will be going to both resorts, just depends on conditions.


I’ll be at Falls or Hotham most weekends with a few 3 day weekends planned. No exact dates for the 3 day weekends yet though.


I’ll be at Falls or Hotham most weekends with a few 3 day weekends planned. No exact dates for the 3 day weekends yet though.


Will be at Falls most weekends. Always a bed in the ‘dong’ if anyone needs it.


Excuse my ignorance(being an import and all) where is the dong?

Billy - 02 May 2012 12:27 AM

Stealing Spaz’s idea! This one’s for the Victorians - write your name up here with definite dates etc etc - just copy and paste!

Billy - Hotham 9th-13th July and 27th-29th July - and most other weekends alternating with Hotham and Falls Creek - depending who is where!

Trent- 5th-12th Aug and as many weekends i can fit in aswell



Wodonga im guessing. Yeh would be, I remember AJ saying he was from Albury/Wodonga area


Stealing Spaz’s idea! This one’s for the Victorians - write your name up here with definite dates etc etc - just copy and paste!

Billy - Hotham 9th-13th July and 27th-29th July - and most other weekends alternating with Hotham and Falls Creek - depending who is where!

Trent- 5th-12th Aug and as many weekends i can fit in aswell

Deanobruce - most if not all weekends with a few extended trips aka sickies if the snow is good enough to extend said weekend.
Will be going to both resorts, just depends on conditions

AJ2theC - Will be at Falls most weekends. Always a bed in the ‘dong’ if anyone needs it.

Koper - I’ll be at Falls or Hotham most weekends with a few 3 day weekends planned. No exact dates for the 3 day weekends yet though.

K2 - Ill put myself as a weekend warrior (but at the same time committed). Ill be at Falls or Hotham pretty much eveyr weekend, where ever has best conditions. If conditions are equal, ill be at Falls. I like Falls better. Unless everyone is at Hotham, I’ll go there.
II will also be there for extended periods of time in school holidays.


Sounds like you’re committed K2!


Ummm, yeah I am going too…......

8th til the 13th July, I think I might run into billy up there wink

and then the 3rd, 4th, 5th of Aug shaka
August is raindrops 18th, gonna be sick !!!!!


Billy - Hotham 9th-13th July and 27th-29th July - and most other weekends alternating with Hotham and Falls Creek - depending who is where!

Trent- 5th-12th Aug and as many weekends i can fit in aswell

Mud - 1st-13th July, possible week in Sept. all at Hotham

Deanobruce - most if not all weekends with a few extended trips aka sickies if the snow is good enough to extend said weekend.
Will be going to both resorts, just depends on conditions

AJ2theC - Will be at Falls most weekends. Always a bed in the ‘dong’ if anyone needs it.

Koper - I’ll be at Falls or Hotham most weekends with a few 3 day weekends planned. No exact dates for the 3 day weekends yet though.

K2 - Ill put myself as a weekend warrior (but at the same time committed). Ill be at Falls or Hotham pretty much eveyr weekend, where ever has best conditions. If conditions are equal, ill be at Falls. I like Falls better. Unless everyone is at Hotham, I’ll go there.
II will also be there for extended periods of time in school holidays.


Just saw this Mud - woo we’ll be up there at the same time! I’m calling genny drinks! K2, Deano, others… get your a$$ up there then!!


Billy! Why the 9-13 thats my first week back at school :( are your hols a week later than ours?
Mud I’ll try to get there sometime between the 1st -8th. Azz ride on the 8th wink


im down for whenever…


All good.  Will do my best to get to The General for drinks but I am there with just my 7 year-old daughter so it may be hard for me to get out after hours.  First week may be ok as we have some friends staying at the same time who could babysit.