The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive
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I thought we could have a thread where you can show off a bit by uploading the best photo/frame grab you have of yourself riding.
It doesn’t matter if it is you doing a rodeo or riding over a dance floor for the first time. If I were K2, I’d put up a still of me mid-air overshooting that jump! haha
Put up the pic of yourself riding that you are most proud of! Tell us where, when and by whom it was shot and why you like it.
I know some of you smart-alecs will want to put up a pic of Torstein and say it is you and there isn’t much I can do about it, but I thought it would be fun to have a show-off thread showing what our members can really do!
to get it going:
The first jump I ever hit that had a gap in it. Was showing off to my bro and his friends lol. High Noon Park 2009
Remarkables 2010. Riding over the house
From the 2011 Shred. Method grab
This photo was taken by my lovely other half Freddy, sometime in March 2009, in åre in Sweden. This was a few months into my first season and when I began I could not go off any kind of jump. I can clearly remember looking at the red line jumps, thinking how enormous they were and telling Freddy that they were too big and I was never going to be good enough to ride them. I s’pose it just goes to show that riding every day does wonders for both your skills and confidence.
I like this pic because it captures me doing a shifty which is probably the only trick I’ve ever done and made it look vaguely stylish. They still look crap way more often than not so I’m glad I got a pic of a nice one. I also love it because it reminds me of one of the happiest times of my life!
Well since I am not as advanced as everyone, my fav pics:
My first box!
Gotta stop!
First timer!
Great idea for a thread cords!!!
Nice, blizz! That is the spirit! Nothing to do with who is any good, just a chance to show the best you’ve got. I LOVE that box at selwyn that you’re riding in the top photo, it is super fun and not too scary! I like your blue/green outerwear combo, too. I like green pants heaps atm! haha
i have no photos of me riding, but this season i should get a few
I like your blue/green outerwear combo, too. I like green pants heaps atm! haha
I have changed up the outerwear this yr, but still has a blue/green theme to it!!! (note, if you ever need new pants go shopping with oz, she is so helpful in finding the right pair!!!)
I like your blue/green outerwear combo, too. I like green pants heaps atm! haha
I have changed up the outerwear this yr, but still has a blue/green theme to it!!! (note, if you ever need new pants go shopping with oz, she is so helpful in finding the right pair!!!)
Really?? I thought I was terrible cause you ended up getting the full price pair!
I’m going to end up posting about every photo I have of myself boarding. Because I spend so much time taking photo’s there are very few times any get taken of me.
First season, first jump I ever built, 5m from my bedroom. I had hair! 1998
[img]” alt=“Photobucket” />[/img]
Golf Course Bowl, 40’ drop, avalanched behind me. 2009
[img] snow shots/Picture6.jpg” alt=“Photobucket” />[/IMG]
Lifted from video, bombing down groomers. 2009
Free Willy, Method. spring 2009
Sneaky run through epic Rosi Race Course. One of the perks. 2010
Video grab. Using BX track as jump park. 2010
[img]” alt=“Photobucket” />
Checking before dropping Sponnars Rock. 2011
Dropping (photo taken a bit late)
Sick 20’ rock drop in secret spot. 2011 (again-photo taken late!)
same spot, second go (rightly timed photo) bad position.
I think the key to the post was one THE BEST!!! Not a top 5 thread….
That Rangey was brand new when this pic was taken
There of me…. so they’re all the best!
Over 14 years it equals 0.35 photo’s a year, so I think it’s ok. Plus that’s every image of me riding, ever. I’m seeking a sympathy allowance for posting that many.
This would have to be the cleanest grab that I have ever done!!!!!
That Rangey was brand new when this pic was taken
Love it!
This would have to be the cleanest grab that I have ever done!!!!!
And that’s exactly why we love you, Mizu