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What Are You Playing?


I’m not sure if there’s a thread for this already so I figured I’d start one.

I don’t know about anyone else here but I’m a big gamer, so I figured we could share here what games we’re currently playing here.

I’m currently playing:

Star Wars: The Old Republic

Battlefield 3 (multiplayer)


I bought SSX and must admit I am disappointed. Going to return it or trade it in.

So have picked up on NHL 12 for the time being and also need to stop being lazy and play Battlefield 3!


Time for games!!! Are you serious!!!

I wish teacherboy


Downloaded the demo of FIFA street last week. Have only played around on it twice though cos I’ve been pretty busy with uni work and getting ready to move. Its pretty fun!


I use to love NFL Street but gave up on it when they changed the buttons and it confused me for Madden LOL

Now that we have MW3 back from static we will start playing that online again. The infected version of the game is awesome!


fifa 12 has been getting a flogging from me.
MW3 has annoyed me once to often so im back on BF3 online now.

My gf loves fruit ninja kinect (i admit it is hella fun)


Glad to see some good games being played!
Currently for pc: Star wars the old republic, BF3 and a little Starcraft 2
For Xbox: still playin halo, mass effect 3 and forza 4!


if anyone if up for game of fifa let me know raspberry


I keep meaning to check out FIFA Street!

Jazza, what server are you on for SWTOR?


Assassin’s Creed!!!!
I’m playing revolutions right now. Just finished it and have started playing multiplayer which is way more fun than I thought it would be.

Cause I’ve been traveling, this is the first time I’ve had a console in about 4 years, so I’m catching up cheese
It’s no replacement for snowboarding though shut eye 


i lost interest in Assassin’s Cred after the 2nd one.
I bought brotherhood but it annoyed me so i never turned it back on


I recently bought Stoked Big Air Edition.

I have heaps of Xbox 360 games, but don’t get around to playing any as much as they deserve. Lately I’ve been playing the old Sonic games. Got a Sega Mega Drive pack for the 360 with over 40 games hahaha.

Dan83 - 24 April 2012 02:29 AM

I recently bought Stoked Big Air Edition.

I have heaps of Xbox 360 games, but don’t get around to playing any as much as they deserve. Lately I’ve been playing the old Sonic games. Got a Sega Mega Drive pack for the 360 with over 40 games hahaha.

What is Stoked like dan?


I played SW:TOR but it annoyed me as it was so repetitive I quit at lvl 30. And as a Republic we were so nerfed compared to the sith and the sides were like 80% to 20% so it sucked for me.

I played the Diablo 3 Beta and that looks like it will be a good game. Though I think it will be better with a few friends than with randoms online. People seem to want to rush through it as quick as possible.

I got NBA 2k12 and that is pretty fun. But better on the Xbox at my bro’s house than PC. The controls are all over the place.

DotA 2 Beta is good but has no concede function or rankings yet. So you don’t actually get points for winning or lose points for losing so it doesn’t feel like you achieve anything.

HoN which is DotA in their own version is good but I’ve been playing for so long that im pretty over it. It’s good for a game every now and then if I get bored.

And I’ve been looking into Guild Wars 2 or The Secret World as the next games I am thinking of playing… but they don’t come out till winter and then I’ll be more interested in the snow lol.


Mind games with teenagers, harder and more complicated than any console or PC game you will ever come across.  rage

Azz - 24 April 2012 02:47 AM

Mind games with teenagers, harder and more complicated than any console or PC game you will ever come across.  rage

But thoroughly satisfyin when ya complete the last level!!!!!

And NO, I wont be gettin the latest version ever again!!!!!  LOL