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Ideas for contests this winter season…?

blizzard_22 - 23 April 2012 06:23 AM

Gotta do things to include those that can do jumps/tricks yet! Gotta make the comp for everyone red face

There’s heaps of stuff on TJ list that you don’t have to be an expert to do!

At least you will have more of a chance… On snow I am limited to what i can get away with in uniform!

Still think it will be a great comp to watch from the sidelines!


It would be good because 1. It would be easy for people to get involved, 2. It will be fun to participate, 3. It will be entertaining to watch, 4. It could help people progress, 5. it will encourage people to try new, weird and crazy things


Can easily add stuff like:

Do a dance in a crowded area of a shopping mall - (30-50 points depending how good you dance / length)
Eat a macca’s sundae in <20 seconds (50 points) <40 seconds (30 points) < 1 minute (10 points)
Act out a scene in a famous movie (post movie version and your version) (30 points)
Put a boardworld sticker in a public place (20 points)
Film you singing a song from a boy-band (30 points)
Film you doing a famous dance (post the real version and your version) (30 points)
Take a photo riding a statue (20 points)
Film of you riding a skateboard (10 points) Doesn’t have to be good - 20 points if you are in a skatepark
Film of you riding a snowboard (10 points) Doesn’t have to be good - 20 points if you are on snow
Film of you riding a surfboard (10 points) Doesn’t have to be good - 20 points if you are in the water and riding.
Film of you riding a scooter (-10 points)
Be the only member to visit a mountain (20 points) - Baw Baw / Selwyn / Ohau / Rhapaeu etc could get you this. Perisher probably isn’t going to be a BW exclusive smile.
Create a recipe and make a video of you cooking and serving it. Name your recipe something to do with BW or snow / skate / surf (10-30 points) Extra points for making it in the shape of snow/skate/surf boards.

Then from the last day of being allowed to do the challenges, you get a week to make a montage video of all the crap you have done. (50 points)

K2_SnatchCrewSader - 23 April 2012 06:30 AM

Yeh there would be challenges of all sorts, so everyone will be able to have the opportunity to get lots of points but in different ways. Definately trick based ones, but also fun and stupid ones

Surely as it is a snowboard forum there would have to be a lot of trick based ones as well. most of the comps on here arent actually about riding! half the fun will be voting on how much points each thing is worth and which ones to include.

If someone manages to go to an aussie resort that no one else gets to then it should be worth a lot more then eating a sundae thats for sure (im clearly biased here because I just want to see some footage of cool places like ben lamond and charlottes pass etc where you rarely see stuff from). Having said that Im almost as keen to seen someone riding the big merino/big prawn haha


I like K2’s idea about the points! And TJ’s suggestions are good too. You aren’t going to NZ this season by any chance are you, TJ? wink


Just had a good idea 10pts for the first resort you go to, 20 for the 2nd, 30 for 3rd and so on.

At the end of the season 100pts to the person who is the only person to go a resort.


30 points for cheating on your chose plank/planks!!! (i.e. oz boarding or Jez figure skating skiing!)


You could do a trick of the week/month for points too. Choose a trick simple or hard, people post vids and the person who pulls it off the best with best style etc. gets bonus points.

Also a wooden spoon version for the best stack would be good too!

JazzaW - 23 April 2012 11:47 AM

You could do a trick of the week/month for points too. Choose a trick simple or hard, people post vids and the person who pulls it off the best with best style etc. gets bonus points.

Also a wooden spoon version for the best stack would be good too!

that would be a good seperate weekly/monthly comp. I like rocker

blizzard_22 - 23 April 2012 10:54 AM

30 points for cheating on your chose plank/planks!!! (i.e. oz boarding or Jez figure skating skiing!)

50 points if someone can beat her down a mogul course (oz on skis and whoever else on boards)? or just down a black run with Oz on skis and the whoever is really a snowboarder also on skis ( id have a crack but id be beaten by at least a kilometre!)?


Haha! Love it!

What do I get if I beat them??

ozgirl - 23 April 2012 12:55 PM

Haha! Love it!

What do I get if I beat them??

You get the chance to hang out with Snowboarders wink. Muhhahahahahaha

you walked right into that one wink

nah….I dunno you’d have to get points as well maybe not as much as you really should win! or maybe if a heap of people wanted to try at once you could get 10 points or more for each one you beat?

JazzaW - 23 April 2012 11:47 AM

You could do a trick of the week/month for points too. Choose a trick simple or hard, people post vids and the person who pulls it off the best with best style etc. gets bonus points.

Also a wooden spoon version for the best stack would be good too!

Great suggestion. Happy to run something like this.

The Flying Squirrel contest will also be back.

CRACKERS - 23 April 2012 01:10 PM
ozgirl - 23 April 2012 12:55 PM

Haha! Love it!

What do I get if I beat them??

You get the chance to hang out with Snowboarders

Yeah, but how many points do we get for havin to put up with her?????

Mizu Kuma - 23 April 2012 07:22 PM
CRACKERS - 23 April 2012 01:10 PM
ozgirl - 23 April 2012 12:55 PM

Haha! Love it!

What do I get if I beat them??

You get the chance to hang out with Snowboarders

Yeah, but how many points do we get for havin to put up with her?????

Think of it as charity work Mizu. Helping out those less fortunate shouldn’t be about getting points tsk tsk