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oh ok, yeah idk if i’ll have the time to make the most of a seasons pass. Definitely try get up there for a solid week of shredding though!


it will pay for itself after 5-6 days so i couldnt pass it up. i will rack that many days up in the first 2 times i go up most likely.

rider26 - 18 April 2012 04:23 AM
K2_SnatchCrewSader - 18 April 2012 01:38 AM
rider26 - 18 April 2012 01:19 AM

I think you’re looking for the m key, K2. teacherboy

OK, moving this to social. raspberry

huh??  confused

its not by jurisdiction

I think you meant my. raspberry

teacherboy fml

deanobruce - 18 April 2012 05:05 AM

your way too late for it.

If you paid a deposit by 10th october last year you got a season pass to falls and hotham for 600.

Just paid the remainder of the pass then. BRING IT!

was it 600 or 700 cant remember. The deposit was 199 yeh? How much left to pay?


fuaarrrrrrrrrk it was 699.

i thought it was 600. oh well.