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will have to vote later today, some screamers in that list!
haha what is funny about that is I have the premier league 10 seasons DVD. 9 of the 10 nominees happened in those first 10 seasons.
Hard to go past Matt LeTissier in 1993. He scored two absolute bombs in that match, if you watch the vid right through. Both good enough to be in the comp in their own right, so he gets my vote! He is the BOSS!
I think Paolo DiCanio’s is the most spectacular though…but he was a knob (pushed referees etc) so there is no chance he’d get my vote. It is nice to be important, but it is important to be nice!
On a similar topic, Who do you think will get PFA player of the year?
I think its very hard to go past RVP
It has to be RvP. There has been no player in the league who has performed better than him this season.
Definitely Fernando Torres.
Have you seen how well he has sat on the sideline and gotten millions this year?
It could be Na$ri. He does already have this award.
i just right clicked and saved that pic, the name of it is fat lesbian?
Hahaha yeah I noticed that name too!
yeah I reckon RVP will prob get it.
I just feel like people need reminding of these two amazing goals.
The Van Bronckhorst one is a screamer!
I know! Watching that match I was cheering so loud after that amazing goal.
Oh yes! RvP is PFA Player of the Year!