The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


Thanks Spaz!


Just wanted to publicly thank Spaz for generously gifting me a Drift Monopod after reading about my monopod being lost/stolen whilst in Japan.

I had told him it wasn’t necessary but he insisted. I’ve had it picked up by a friend today and I’m looking forward to giving it a workout at Perisher this season!

So thanks again Spaz shaka




Very kind of you Spaz smile


Good on ya Spaz!!! shaka Such an awesome community we have here!!!


Nice one spaz shaka


yeah well done spaz good to see there is good ppl around.


Good on ya spaz…...


spaz…............................. nice dance



All we need now is for Jez to rustle up a jacket from one of the sponsors!!!!!

This is where peer group pressure can be a great thing!!!!! smirk

Jez, Jez, Jez, Jez, Jez…......................




Id offer u my spare jacket but as my main one was also stolen last season it’s become my only one


I’ll tell you what, tomorrow I’ll have a gander in my collection and take some pics of a jacket or two.
I’ll post them here.

drc13, you just tell us which one you want and its on its way.


and spaz, awesome work.

Good karma is always rewarded with good karma. Kudos to you shaka


Azz Pazazz!!!!!  dance

blizzard_22 - 17 April 2012 04:29 AM

Such an awesome community we have here!!!

Yep an amazing bunch of people here excaim

Haha Mizu you must give Jez nightmares.

Azz thank you so much for a very generous offer! I really can’t accept it though, I’ve learnt a lesson from the experience and in the end its only money!  My time over there, and the people I met out ways that loss. I ended up buying a replacement casual jacket in Tokyo and I’m now looking into a shell jacket for the upcoming season so I’m pretty much set.

Thanks again for proving along with spaz we have a very special bunch of people here


It was funny when drc13 friend came to pick up the stuff today. We had organized it and she arrived at the time planned.

But today the flu got the better of me and I was curled up on mums lounge, under a sleeping bag, watching Foxtel. When there was a knock at the door I was half with it. “I’ve come to pick up the stuff for Dave”, now being mums front door I thought this person was getting something from mum, Username drc13 is.not Dave in my flu induced mind. “what stuff?” “who’s it for?”, until it all clicked.
Then I led her over to my messy shed. She picked stuff up before, I think it was even messier this time.

Appoligise for me drc13 (Dave)