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New buttons on the top menu - thoughts?

Poll: What do you think of the new buttons on the top menu?
Total Votes: 29
Much better than the old buttons
A bit better than the old buttons
Prefer the old buttons
Much prefer the old buttons
Rick0889 - 21 June 2010 07:44 PM

new buttons are way better! old ones were kind of dull.

good work rider!

I never thought the old ones looked dull, but when you compare the new vs the old… They do look dull.
comparatively speaking.

I sent my wife’s thoughts in a separate email. She does graphic design, so she had a lot of comments. I personally dont study design, so I would have never thought of all the details she mentioned.

Over all I like them, though.


Told ya a little colour goes a long way!!! Yeeww!!


I think they look heaps better. It makes the site look a little more ‘complete’ i guess.


I dont particularly like the new buttons for a few reasons:
1. Clutter
Slowly this site is becoming more visually strenuous. there is a lot to take in as im writing this comment now, for instance the background, because it is not uniform or geometric it is not pleasing to the eyes despite it being a good image and creating theme.
Where do the buttons fit into my rant about the background?
Well the buttons further clutter the site but presenting more to look at.

2. Theme
We seem to be in a transitional position with this website as portions are slowly changing. Right now the horizontal line that houses the buttons is the theme of the old website versions and it does not go with the new images.
New images = sophisticated
Rest of the site = Simple
Simple and sophistication do not work together.

3. Quality
The buttons up the top look TACKY. Before you tell me how good the images are; I’m not putting down the actual image, im saying its pixelated. Specifically the text.

Ahhh times i should be studying and get distracted.


Thanks for the feedback Jack. You definitely make valid points and we are looking at improving/fixing all the graphical issues. It takes time, but with user feedback it certainly helps. The new buttons and the current design do clash, we’re currently working it out. We might even resort back to the old buttons till we work it out.


It’s nice to know that Jeremy even cares about what everyone thinks. It keeps us involved when we feel that we’re a part of it all.


Yeah I’ll agree it’s pretty busy up the top there. It’s definitely not something i’m used to that for sure. Have been active on forums for around 6-7 years now and no other forum I’m on uses a setup such as this so it’s a bit wierd. Personally I’m just a fan of just keeping it simple.

Just another piece of feedback, just wondering if it’s possible to include a ‘new posts’ button on the menu if the software allows for it so that we can just click that to retrieve all the most recent posts/threads on the forum. Makes it a hell of a lot easier than clicking on every sub-section to find out whats new.

finney - 01 July 2010 10:42 PM

Just another piece of feedback, just wondering if it’s possible to include a ‘new posts’ button on the menu if the software allows for it so that we can just click that to retrieve all the most recent posts/threads on the forum. Makes it a hell of a lot easier than clicking on every sub-section to find out whats new.

We’re working on that. smile


Brillaint grin

Its feature I never used when I first discovered forums but now it’s something I struggle without (especially when you’ve only got a minute or two to check forums at work on the sly)