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English Premier League


I’m a Fulham fan smile

Warren Chapstick - 14 April 2012 04:40 AM

That’s alright mate, will won’t judge you to much either lol

I hear K2 is massvie Arse-nal fan aswell….....

Haha piss off warren u moron


Hey static,

The current English Premier League thread is here:

I’ll merge this thread into the current one in the next few days, so don’t be alarmed if you can’t find your thread. It will be merged into the thread above.

So, you’re an Arsenal fan yet you want to judge others? teacherboy wink

I’m a big fan of the EPL, I watch as many games as I can. I used to support Leeds but they are no more in the EPL as you know. Now I just enjoy watching good football. I do like watching Arsenal when they’re playing well. Man City have been fun to watch this season and I’d like them to beat United to the title. Looks like they’ve risen out of their slump with Tevez stepping up the last couple of games. Liverpool are probably my least favourite team to watch - so boring haha. Tottenham have been playing well this season and I’ve enjoyed seeing them do well. Other than that, I like to see Everton do well because of my boy, Timmy Cahill.


HAHA No FA Cup final for Everton!!!!

We’re on our way to Wembley, we’re on our way to wembley! Geeeez I hope we play spurs in the final. Its my 30th bday that weekend!


if you win the FA cup Dalglish may, just may keep his job


I don’t think the owners would have the guts to sack him if we win it and have 2 trophies (albeit domestic ones) from the season. The scousers would all riot!

rider26 - 14 April 2012 06:20 PM

I’ll merge this thread into the current one in the next few days, so don’t be alarmed if you can’t find your thread. It will be merged into the thread above.

My bad! Sorry about that!

I used to watch heaps but I don’t get to see it lately because since I moved I don’t have Foxtel anymore *sad panda*

I don’t like City or United but I would rather United win than City buying a championship. Plus I don’t want to see Na$ri get a trophy while riding the bench raspberry

Obviously being an Arsenal fan I can’t stand the Sp*rs scum haha.


you wash your mouth out


That’s all good, man. Our search feature on the forums is really poor. We will have a much better search feature when the new website drops in a couple of months.

All teams “buy” their championships. As if Chelsea didn’t go on a huge spending spree many years ago and then went on to win a couple of championships. Arsenal back in their day, had Henry, Bergkamp, Ljungberg, Pires, Campbell, Cole etc. They had one of the best squads in the world and they gelled as a team and won a bunch of championships.

I feel Man City really got all the right right pieces this season. They really gelled as soon as Nasri joined the team. I don’t think individually their team is any better than any other elite team out there. It’s about playing as a team and playing good football, which they have done for the most part this season.


Individually, I reckon their forward line is miles better than any other team in the premier league. Tevez, Aguero, Dzeko, Balotelli, Toure…Dzeko scored so many goals early in the season and he’s been struggling for game time!
I wish liverpool had that many classy options up front - at least carroll did something decent for once in the FA cup the other night (among about 3 other chances he should have buried!). Hopefully he comes good now.


yeh he needs to justify his exhorbirant(sp) price tag!

rider26 - 15 April 2012 06:18 PM

All teams “buy” their championships. As if Chelsea didn’t go on a huge spending spree many years ago and then went on to win a couple of championships. Arsenal back in their day, had Henry, Bergkamp, Ljungberg, Pires, Campbell, Cole etc. They had one of the best squads in the world and they gelled as a team and won a bunch of championships.

I respectfully disagree with that. Chelsea did definitely buy their championships, as Man City are trying to do by paying stupid amounts of money for players that they’re not actually worth. That Arsenal squad that was so good for so long was bought cheap and developed over time. Personally, I think Arsenal and Man United have never really bought a championship. They’ve developed their players from a young age and it’s paid off in the long run.

Not trying to cause trouble or anything. Just my opinion smile


Arsene can never be accused of buying championships! the bloke refuses to buy expensive players, he buys young, talented players and nurtures them like a mother goose raising her chicks to become boss players. haha

deanobruce - 15 April 2012 11:01 PM

Arsene can never be accused of buying championships! the bloke refuses to buy expensive players, he buys young, talented players and nurtures them like a mother goose raising her chicks to become boss players. haha

Oh that made me laugh. Well said and very true.


Woke up this morning from the strangest dream, Chelsea were given the strangest goal the world has ever seen!

Ok maybe not the strangest but the ref was right there! plus it happened at an important time in the game!
oh well!
looks like in the finals ill be supporting Chelsea for the first time. I’d rather drive a nail into my own foot than go for Liverpoo.