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Busé Apparel Thread


Ahoy there chaps and chapettes,

Ive been here for a little while now (look at that post tally, and i havent even asked for my free tee smile )and you’re all nice people so i thought id ask your opinion on a little side project ive got going on.

First a little background info. I’m a graphic designer/finished artist and have been at my current employer for 10 years now and to stop myself from going crazy i look to other outlets such as skating and snowboarding, both of which i love and have been doing for over 20 years (jeesuz that makes me sound old). Snowboarding has been my main focus and whenever its gets snowy im up at the vic mountains as often as i can.

Now when youve been doing the same job for so long you get a bit cabin fevery about it and i was looking for a way to I can incorporate more of what i love (snowboarding) into my life and push out what i dont (my current job). Ive resigned to the fact that ill never be pro so i looked to other ways that i can immerse myself in the snowboard/snowsport culture. Ive looked into working at the snow but my mortgage wont really allow it this year, next year i could use my long service leave to possibly do it. Anyhow after possibly 1 too many beers at a party one night and with head full of How to make it in America inspiration, i excitedly proclaimed i was going to start a snowsport clothing & accessory company, and even in the foggy hungover haze of the next couple of days, the idea still appealed to me so i started doing the research into what i would and have to do and went about registering a company name, Busé Apparel. Pronounced BEE YOO SEE, just like Garey Busey.

Before you roll your eyes with a ‘gees another jerk trying to cash in on an already flooded industry’ i hope to make buse something different, taking inspiration from Radical gloves and Yuki, I want it all to be where possible australian made, thus keeping our hard earned coin in our lovely shores, and if it takes off, bring foreign currency into our little island home. I’m starting small with just tees and water resistant hoodies at the moment, all of which i have designed myself BUT in the pipeline (like right now im organising suppliers pipeline) are tall hoodies and caps and also a shoelace belt with a phillips head screw driver and bottle opener in each end.

So far ive gotten a few hoods, tees and caps made up for my own testing purposes but i thought id show you kind folk here at boardworld my designs and get your opinion on what ive come up with so far. Basically what i do is whenever i have an idea, i note it down and when i can I make it up in illustrator and photoshop and bang it on facebook (i have a website but its just a temporary one while i work on a much more pimped out one) So i havent edited myself a great deal but there are many more ideas ive yet to actually create that are just notes in my phone.

So if youve got time have a look at the facebook page and let me know what you think. Be honest. If you think i shouldnt even bother let me know, think that they are just alright let me know, if you actually like them and want to buy something let me know. I havent sunk a lot of money into this venture yet so any feedback will be helpful before i do. But ill keep at it with the hopes that it allows me to spend more time doing snow stuff and if it takes off and allows me to do it full time, even better.

thanks for your time



oh yeah, some of the hoods and tees have specific backs to them that makes them have more continuity in its theme. So make sure you check out the backs if there is a link for you to click.


Oh and there will be tall tee options aswell.
Gah why am i so nervous about this????


its not to shabby mate… i like the one that you posted on august 21 2011 with purple and pink pocket. send one this way i will test it for you belive me i am more on my ass while snowboarding then on the board i can tell you how water proof it is lol .


Some sick looking tees dude. I love the “All the Gear” and “It ain’t easy being Steezy” shirts smile.

Main concerns:
Lose the Bubble O’ Bill and VB one’s as they could get you in trouble with copyright. (Nintendo and Snoopy are similar but probably wouldn’t be an issue)
Make a few more designs without pink/purple all over them. Maybe a few Blue / Red / Green versions of shirts might be more “sell-able”

I like the name, it’s catchy and obscure enough to work. The next main thing to do is to market them. Really would need to try and get them into as many snow / skate / surf shops as possible. Maybe a few skate designs might fit nicely in the line-up?

Other, (I know you haven’t really promoted your website as it’s not finished yet) but don’t say “Shred the Gnar”, it comes off tacky. And generally don’t knock southern cross tattoos as there is a good chance (from your shirt designs) that these might be a good portion of your customers. There is already 2 people on this site that have SC tattoos.


Hahaha there’s some really cool stuff for sure! Those t-shirts are awesome. Great work mate, it’s not easy starting a new brand. I really like how you want to manufacture in Australia. I think that’s super cool and a good enough reason to support a brand. I’m really digging the water resistant hoodies too. I’m getting it’s a kind of ‘wind stopper’ material?

I’ve liked your page and I’ll follow the brand’s progress. Keep us posted, Trent! Props to you man! shaka


Loving your work !!!!!!!

Good luck with your venture.


Had a quick squiz good work man! I’m with TJ be careful on copyright. I know Burton got sued by Jack Daniels and Grey Goose when they brought out tees using similar logos. (I found this out at the burton store in NYC)

Otherwise looking good! Also love the idea of waterproof hoodies!


Just got to your facebook page, looks good so far.

EDIT- ok been through your albums. i dig it. Some of the shirts/hoodies i wouldnt wear (but thats just me) im not a big fan of bright/fleuro colours.

But some of them i would definately buy

blizzard_22 - 12 April 2012 09:48 PM

Had a quick squiz good work man! I’m with TJ be careful on copyright. I know Burton got sued by Jack Daniels and Grey Goose when they brought out tees using similar logos. (I found this out at the burton store in NYC)

Otherwise looking good! Also love the idea of waterproof hoodies!

Blizz how was NYC snow shops did u go in to many ? or buy much i am going to america in july..


I only went in to the Burton store since it is the flagship store. It was very very cool!!! Even if you don’t intend on buying anything it is worth a look. I bought a belt and dark bought me a NYC t with the burton logo on it.


“Getting Buse” 

yep u can use that line wink


They look great - you are talented, but I am bit with Deano - not my cup of tee (bahaha sorry couldn’t help myself wink )


Thanks for the positive replies guys, it was what i was hoping for, and means this little venture isnt a complete waste of time.

I was also thinking the the bubble O and VB cans might be an copyright issue, but im sure theres some rule somewhere about how much of something has to be different for it to be ok, something ill look into before production of those ones, shame really as i really like the bubble o one.

As for the colours of the prints, its probably something that i need make a bit more obvious but there will be other print colours available in each tee/hood. At the moment im just getting the blank tees & hoods and using professional heat press vinyls to make up the tees. And these vinyls come in about 25 different colours, ill limited the options to 5 or 6 colours of what i do my prints in just for my own sanity though. I also have access to all this stuff at my work which is another reason why my initial outlay into this has been able to be so small and easy to get started. The heat press i bought myself though.
Once i approach some shops and if they take it on they can lead me into the direction of what ones are more popular and ill get them screen printed, but that being said, the heat press stuff is pretty awesome and only very slightly thicker than a screen print would be. But in the mean time ill make it known that other colours are available and change a few of the examples so its not soo pink

I get what your saying about the shred the gnar thing to TJswish, its actually a personal joke between my rider mates & I about how people who dont know about a sport use certain words that they think other people use to describe it, news interviewers seem to be the worst at this, extreme sports, radical manouvers…etc, but ive changed it so its less personal and i dont seem like one of those “people”

And now we come to the southern cross thing, its something that i wont change and its purely due to my personal opinions. Dont get me wrong i love australia and respect the folks that have fought for us to be free etc, but due to a certain social demographic taking it on and with such amazing popularity, I and i stress I, feel that its lost a lot of its proper meaning. So no offence to the people on here who have it as a tattoo, tatts are a personal thing & im sure you probably dont like alot of my tatts, i even made the mistake of getting in done in the tramp stamp position when i first turned 18, but isnt it intrinsically australian to be able to take the piss out of ourselves, therefore making a joke about a southern cross is as australian as the southern cross.

So yeah, thanks again and if its cool with you guys when i get more ideas up ill post it on here and get your opnions, and if things take off, i’ll definatly become a boardworld sponsor.

now back to your regular scheduled program



You seem like you got your shit on lock mate, good work.


Good reply mate. Unfortunately I think the line for the copyright issue borders around what people’s first thoughts would be if they see something.

I totally agree with you on SC tats… but I think they are/will be your main target audience. Then again, most of them wouldn’t check the website anyways.

Only other thing I have thought of since is to market your PG13 shirts to the main stores and keep your MA15+ shirts as more of an online order. Not sure if it is the case, but I think most stores generally won’t let you swear directly on something they sell. Especially since they would get a lot of minors walking through and browsing. Jez or anyone who has worked at a shop could probably confirm or deny this suspicion?