The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


Boardworld has its first birthday!


It was a year ago today that we launched Boardworld to the public. Looking back on it all, I think we have come a long way in 12 months. We received just over 4.5 million page hits in 12 months, which I am completely stoked about. The support has been phenomenal, so I would like to thank each and every one of you for helping get Boardworld through the first year and to where we are today. This community certainly wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for our loyal members. From everyone at Boardworld, thank you for your participation, feedback, advice, and constant support.

Looking to the future, there is still so much to come. Boardworld has barely started and we are looking forward to making this site what it should be. We are launching the SKATE section on September 1, and will also be launching SURFING on the forums on the same day. We are continually going to pursue new content, new features, new improvements, new partnerships, and new members. We take your feedback very seriously, this is our website, and our community. You are all a part of it, so please feel free to get in touch with me about anything.

Lastly, I thought I would post this image of the original Boardworld website concept from a couple of years ago. We’ve come a long way since then, but this is where it all began…


Happy 1st b’day BW! You have come along way in 12 months thats for sure.. Ive witnessed alot of hard work by Jeremy go into the site.. (He even missed party nights and riding days to plug the website, EPIC!)

Defiantly looking fwd to the Skate sections, and very amped about the Surf section.. Yeeww!

Keep the good work coming Jeremy!! Maybe you should put something on the main page for BW’s birthday week??? Just a thought smile


Happy Birthday Boardworld! It’s amazing how far it’s come :D


good times, i remember coming to the site back before it launched when all you could do was enter an email address from memory.

on a side note, i really like that background there compared to the green one at present as I find the green clashes with the coloured buttons at the top.. although this is probably better put in the feedback section.


Wow! I had no idea this forum was only 10 days old when I joined! I’d never have known if you hadn’t said so. It’s such a well run site, with such a great team and obviously such great sponsor participation etc, I just assumed it had been around for quite some time.

I started an online forum a few years back with a few mates, which we ran for a couple of years. We had roughly 3000 members at it’s peak. But I honestly don’t think we ever reached the level of professionalism that you guys have here in a short time.

This site and it’s forum has been an awesome rescource for me. From it’s rider progression and setup sections, down the the sound advice given by the members on the forums. As a beginner it’s been invaluable to me, and has really made a difference.

Thanks for providing a great place to learn, and a great place to be involved with. With the new features and sections etc being introduced over the coming months, I’m sure it’s only going to get better.

Best of luck.


Happy Birthday Boardworld!

Well done to everyone involved on getting boardworld to where it is today. I reckon it has been a very successful first year and can only get better!!

Keep it up!!


How Awesome!
Happy Bday BW!
All the praise to Jeremy for this awesome accomplishment! And props to all the other people who helped make it work, from admins to sponsors to members.
Keep this going people



Happy Birthday Boardworld!

Keep it real!


Great effort Jeremy, i’m impressed with your dedication….killing it.


Well done Jeremy!  The site is a true tribute to those that live the boarder life.  Keep up the good work I am glad I had a chance to be part of the site and look forward to contributing and working with you more!  Great job mate!


keep up the good work jeremy [=

this site has helped me so much with progressing my riding skills through the forum with the help of others input and through the articles written

community is awesome… well done

happee biirthday

and thanks to all that makes it happen


thanks rider for all the hard work you put into this site, now i have something to do while i sit on my arse eat smile

Happy Bday