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Sydney Boardworld Meetup - Saturday 31st March?

Poll: Can you come?
Total Votes: 29
I’m keen... but too busy that day
I’m anti-social and only talk on the interwebz so I have no plans to meet you guys!

Blizz, I think you over estimate the IQ of the ullr boys…


After all, we did only come second in the trivia quiz!!!!!


Hope you guys had a good time.  To make up for it i went over to the Bavarian at Manly this morning and had a couple of Paulaners… Should have had Lowenbrau instead when drinking that early


proof i showed up LOL

Good to finally meet some of you guys in person


Nice photo humdingaling.

I may as well take this chance to jot down a quick TR from my perspective (and hazy memory) of the night.

After getting ever so slightly lost I arrived at The Australian and quickly recognised a familiar face in Billy who was seated with Ozgirl, Dolph and TJswish (who I didn’t recognise from any photos as he had his eyes open!  tongue laugh )

I was then told I was not welcome at this illustrious table until I came back armed with a shot of vodka. Off I trotted to the bar got myself my shot and a schooner (or pot for billy) of beer which gained me access to the party. I sat down, we all had a shot and a great night had begun. With great detail Ozgirl filled us all in on how to recognise an axe murderer on boardworld (fortunately none of us seemed to fit the profile)

Not long after humdingaling and +1 arrived (obviously he’s batting out of his league) Just as we were getting settled and I’d picked out my pizza we were told we would need to find somewhere else to eat/drink as The Australian was completely booked for the night (someone may need to explain to TJ that booking a venue involves more than sticking a sticker to the table!)

After quickly skulling the remainder of our drinks we headed down to the Lowenbrau which fortunately despite the line out front we got a table pretty quickly. TJ generously bought us some massive steins of beer and we settled in. Billy tested my geography by constantly checking where everything us Sydneysiders were talking about (I hope you kept the map!)

We waited around for Lanox for a while (he was busy doing his hair) before deciding to order some dinner. Dolph didn’t even need a menu as he had giant pork shnitzel on his mind. After a hard sale “It’s fkn massive and the mayo is to die for” I got one of the same. It was also at this time that I learnt about the eating challenges and pushup challenges (which dolph wouldn’t stop boasting about winning) at the shred…... challenge accepted!!!

Finally Lanox and the boss graced us with their company (despite the thumbprint on his head lanox is also batting way out of his league!) By now I was starting to feel a bit billied billy so I decided I’d have a chat with him tongue wink a couple of TJ’s friends had also caught up with us by now.

At this stage I was noticing Billy had a bewildered look on her face, the poor girl had a problem….. She was having trouble with the weight of the stein and couldn’t drink at the rate she was accustomed too.  A solution was quickly found (double hand it and drink quicker!) which quickly degenerated into the 3 of us racing to the bottom of the stein (not a good idea in retrospect)

Unfortunately after dinner Humdingaling +1 had to leave as well as dolph who was double booked. We decided to head off to our next destination The Argyle.

Apparently it was “carnivale” night which as far as I could tell was an excuse to play lots of bongo drums with the occasional random semi naked woman running through the crowed. I did have a strange encounter with a brazilian man who hugged and excitedly talked to me for a few minutes before it eventually became clear to him that I wasn’t his long lost brazilian brother who apparently I’m a splitting image of?? Very embarrassed he apologised and slumped away. We stuck around for a while before Lanox + Boss had to head home (past his bed time)

It was just the awesome foursome left so we ended the night by walking billy by the harbour and convincing her that Sydney is obviously superior to mexico and before I knew it, it was time for last train to the shire for me.

We said our goodbyes and after being reminded all night I forgot to grab the tshirts off ozgirl teacherboy

I stumbled home a bit after 2am and wondered what exactly had happened to my short/quiet night!

Was really fantastic meeting everyone a truly great bunch of people! A special mention to billy who made the trip up from mexico it was really nice to catch up again.

I didn’t take any photos but I’m sure the others will help out with that.


Here’s a quick shot from Sat night. It was good catching up with everyone once again and meeting some new faces. Sorry couldn’t stay out till the last drink


and that’s obviously how Billy remembers it. lol

drc13 - 01 April 2012 09:19 AM

I learnt about the eating challenges and pushup challenges (which dolph wouldn’t stop boasting about winning) at the shred…... challenge accepted!!!

Mate, i only won the push-up challenge. Eat off goes to Mika!!!!

You should def join us this year, but let me warn you; it’s not for lighthearted!!!lol


Great report Drc13!!!

Definitely jealous and devo that I couldnt make it, but it seems like you all had a fabulous night!!


drc such a gay report about me, all the stuff he said was not true, far as i know you are Billys bitch and on many occasions you have said to me no no what billy says i do .... ahrm so that clear things up, and i left at midnight lets get that cleared.

all in all was a great night and great bunch of ppl.


Haha dolph I’m a bit of a lightweight but can tend towards getting over competitive so we’ll see how we go. I’d say nice photos if I could make anything out in them!

Glad you enjoyed it Rhi, I’m sure there’ll be another chance soon.

Haha thought you would like my recollections of the night lanox, no need to get snappy now tongue wink


hahahah snappy nah not me ... lol it was indeed great night champ….


Hahahahaa, the blurry pic!!!!! Good shit Dolphy!!!!!  shaka

Good write up, drc!!!!! (I hope that oz wasn’t describin me as the “axe murderer”????? More like, ya know…. tall, handsome, witty, super intelligent…...)

Why didn’t anyone go the Pork Knuckle and sausage plate????? Mika eats those things for an afternoon snack!!!!!

Mizu Kuma - 01 April 2012 11:01 AM

Hahahahaa, the blurry pic!!!!! Good shit Dolphy!!!!!  shaka

I hope that oz wasn’t describin me as the “axe murderer”????? More like, ya know…. tall, handsome, witty, super intelligent…...)

just as the picture above.




hmmm Stop talkin through ya sock, lano!!!!!