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Boardworld Skater Progress Thread


Apply all the lip tricks you are doing to a quater or similar that has a horizontal log or stall bar on it mate. Thats a good place to start the transfer of skills


Yeah I started doing that in snowboarding last season when I started skating too.
Can’t wait to be able to practice grinds on a skateboard (on flat bars and down rails). That’s when it will really help my riding.
Airs and grabs would be good too but that’s a long way away.


Sooo. Quick weekend update. Skated shakeys bowl on sat morning with a mate and managed to get a rock to fake on the extension which I’m pretty happy about. Later on we skate tigers in Rozelle and I got a rock to fake on a broken exam table and also some stuff off this mad dodgy kicker that we made. Saturday night we skated at Summerhill and I managed to get board slide down the rail. Pretty happy as it was my first time ever trying. Partied hard on Saturday nigh and on Sunday skated dully hill. Got a big fakie bigspin over the box there which I’m pretty happy about. Also saw some little scooter kids get into a massive fight. Thought it was funny as they are slowly destroying their own kind. Skaters…. We are winning :D hahaha where bouts did other people skate??

Turbaned turtle - 19 March 2012 09:03 AM

Also saw some little scooter kids get into a massive fight. Thought it was funny as they are slowly destroying their own kind. Skaters…. We are winning :D hahaha where bouts did other people skate??

HAHAHAHA YES!!! Man we should incite scooter on scooter violence all over Australia. Our parks would be better for it!

Sounds like you got some mad tricks down dude. Congrats on your first boardslide shaka


Haha cheers. It was like my first board slide on a down rail. I’m regretting that I didn’t gt to film the fight haha


I went for a bit of a skate today down at Umina.
Hit a bottle cap in the bowl (from all the drunks that hang out their at night) and took some skin off lol.
It’s funny the way that stacks work. If you get really hurt then you loose confidence but if you scrape some skin but don’t hurt yourself too bad it actually gives you more confidence cool grin 

So I got to it after that, and after a while I learned how to do feeble to fakies cheese
I also dropped into the deep end of the pool for the first time!
Probably not a huge accomplishment but it was on my “Grow a pair and try it!” list. I have things in every park that I’m too chicken to try but I’ll get them one day.

Pretty fun skate today. Had the park to myself to!


I had a roll at Umina today. I forgot it was the weekend teacherboy  dodging munchkins everywhere.

I went there with a bunch of new tricks to try and didn’t land any of them lol, but a few were kinda close.
But I did learn something I’ve been trying for a while - 5-0 Stalls cheese
They are actually not to hard once you get really comfortable with truck stalls.


fs or bs??


Backside. Frontside 5-0s could get messy lol.
But i’ll add that to my wish list


Yeah fs tranny tricks scare me haha


Been a while since there has been much action in here, especially from me.

Some tricks I have working on/getting lately:

Half cab boardslides on small rails. Flat rails pretty easy, round rails a bit harder. Been trying on some ledges as well. A lot harder to slide and turn out of. Nearly landed a few. Some roling back out in fakie, so wouldtn really call them half cab boards, prob more fakie frontside boardslides

Other than that, not many new tricks dialled in. Just been trying heaps more things. Feeling a lot more comfortable at hitting new features and just charging stuff.

Both my ankles/shins have coped a true beating the last few weeks so bit of a set back. Hurts to walk.

And weather has been a pretty shitty here. So not much chance to get out there. At least Croydon is lit up now, so when ever it is dry, I can skate after work even though it is dark


Haven’t been skating for ages so I decided it was time to get back into it.
I need to stop riding transition only, cause I can do a bunch of lip trick but can’t do anything on flat ground lol.
So I started trying BS Shuv Its cause I have fluked one or two before, but always landed with my heels touching the ground.

I watched some trick tips on them, got on the drive way and just did them over and over for about an hour.
I was getting no where, so I tried them on grass to remind myself that I could do the motion.
Went back to concrete, got closer.
Back to grass, concrete, grass, concrete… you get the idea.

Finally got to the stage where I could do 2 sketchy ones in a row. Then I landed few clean ones!
Stoked, it felt awesome to finally be able to do something cool on the flat ground cheese

*K2* That’s sick man. Steve Cabalero would be proud!




OOOH!!!  big surprise  *Claps skateboard on the ground as loud as possible*

That’s sick man, good job!

We demand video ASAP!


Went for a roll last night in a carpark cos it was raining. Still cant do much cos my ribs. Got really sore over the weekend so even pushing hurts. I couldnt ollie or nothin. Was so frustrating rage
On the plus side though, my sess slides are comin down nice. I can get them goin good as and ride out from them too. Didnt try any down hill at real fast speed cos the jolting body movements were hurting too much. But yeh. I can sess the way I wanted now smile Frontsides that is. Can only do little back ones, but get flung off most the time. Backsides are so hard to get the body counter rotation and unweight and then swing back in once there is too much traction. One car park had a down ramp round a bend which made it easier to backside around the bend cos u dont have to straighten up at the end as much.

Injuries suck! Hopefully, i dont take a big tumble opening snow weeknd and put myself further back. will have to take it easy