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Hi Guys
Just went for a quick bike ride to the gym and strapped the DriftHD to the top of my helmet. Same deal as before no fancy editing or processing so essentially raw footage. The video has been posted in the first post.
nice footage dave, will be interesting to see how the quality is when filming water shots when surfing etc…if you get any done before ya go, put on a usb and send it home, ill try to upload while you’re away if you want
Yep looking forward to testing out the waterproof housing. Should have my hands on it by the weekend, can’t guarantee I’ll get a chance to get any footage though. I’m hoping it should look pretty good while doing an “above water” sport like surfing/wakeboarding. I don’t hold high hopes for pure underwater footage (like skuba diving) as I’d imagine it would just be too dark for a small camera like this.
To answer your question from the contour thread. This is from Drift’s website
How waterproof is the camera?
The Drift HD is designed to be splash-proof, dust-proof, weatherproof, and dunk-proof but not designed to be underwater for sustained periods of time. For most users this level of waterproof-ness is more than adequate. For those users who would like to use the camera in water sports or for scuba/snorkeling an aftermarket waterproof pouch available that may be suitable for the Drift range.
So basically without the case it will be fine for low pressure water situations. You will be fine in the snow, rain and I’ve even heard of people swimming without the case but as soon as you start upping the water pressure i.e real depth or waves then you’ll want to use the case.
You also mentioned the lens/fisheye. Any camera with a 170 degrees lens is going to give you the fisheye effect. The reasoning behind wanting 170 degrees is you fit more in the scene without having to have the camera a long distance away from you.
nice footage dave, will be interesting to see how the quality is when filming water shots when surfing etc…if you get any done before ya go, put on a usb and send it home, ill try to upload while you’re away if you want
use the clouds to share footage or a sharing network.
Could one of the mods please delete this thread for me.
Could one of the mods please delete this thread for me.
Why’s that drc?????
It is a good reference for others that are lookin into the same camera!!!!!
Could one of the mods please delete this thread for me.
Why’s that drc?????
It is a good reference for others that are lookin into the same camera!!!!!
Unfortunately I am not happy with the service I have received from the distributor (not Spaz he’s been good) especially when you take into account the time I have spent both here and in PM’s educating people on the drift camera.
As a result I don’t feel comfortable leading any other boardworld members down this path.
Could one of the mods please delete this thread for me.
Why’s that drc?????
It is a good reference for others that are lookin into the same camera!!!!!
Unfortunately I am not happy with the service I have received from the distributor (not Spaz he’s been good) especially when you take into account the time I have spent both here and in PM’s educating people on the drift camera.
As a result I don’t feel comfortable leading any other boardworld members down this path.
Fair call mate!!!!! I would do the same!!!!!
What issues did ya have with the camera?????
I would most likely start a thread that points out the problems that ya have had, and that way it will educate the rest of the Boardworld Crew as what to look out for?????
(Just send a PM to spaz and rider26, and they will sort this request promptly for ya!!!!!
Thanks Mizu.
I won’t go into too many details but it started off with the original shipment taking forever (as they forgot to ship it and it sat in there warehouse for a week longer than it should) That wasn’t a good start but shit happens.
What I’m less impressed with is the fact that since receiving my waterproof case in January it has seen a grand total of 4 minutes use (2mins of which it was filling up with water)
Now after a couple of months of toing and throwing trying to get it sorted out I have received a response a long the lines of “nope can’t help you the user damaged it, the faulty one is in the mail back to you”
Now your probably wondering how on earth can you get it wrong with something as simple as a case. Well to start with it comes with absolutely no directions or instructions (not even a photo of the camera in the case!) So wouldn’t most people simply put the camera in and shut the latch?? (that’s what I did)
Well I have now been told that you are meant to remove the back hatch off the camera (which leaves the ports exposed) before putting it in the case. What is interesting though is when I originally tried the camera in the case like this the camera rattles around inside the case as there is excess room so I immediately dismissed that as being the correct way.
Shit mate!!!!!
You better hold off on buyin any lottery tickets for a while!!!!!
You would think that they would make the housing, so ya DON’T have to take anythin of the camera in the first place?????
Maybe they did design it that way, until they had a few returns????? Then they just updated the instructions!!!!!
They should have a little WARNING label inside the door, prompting the removal of the hatch?????
Shit mate!!!!!
You better hold off on buyin any lottery tickets for a while!!!!!
You would think that they would make the housing, so ya DON’T have to take anythin of the camera in the first place?????
Maybe they did design it that way, until they had a few returns????? Then they just updated the instructions!!!!!
They should have a little WARNING label inside the door, prompting the removal of the hatch?????
Yeah mate having a pretty rough run at the moment, might need a stiff drink when I get home tonight.
Yep I agree it’s crazy that they presume that you would automatically do it. They said that it is “next to impossible” to close the case with the hatch on. If that’s the case I must have the worlds strongest thumbs as it wasn’t very hard at all!!
Also forgot to mention on the door of the case it has a bit of foam which pushes up against the camera (with the hatch on) which was yet another sign to me that the hatch should be on. Without the hatch on what the hell is that bit of foam there for unless they are planning on having the camera slam around inside the case?!?
fark man really shitty time for you man, dunno what to even say ...
Hi DrC,
Having just got a drift HD and thinking of getting the UW housing, I’d really like some more info on your experience with this… ...
Maybe you could start a new thread?
Of course if you just want to forget about the whole ordeal, I think we’d all understand, but it would be good to know in detail what happened and you you were dealing with so others (like me) can avoid the same mistake/hassles !!
Hah hopefully it starts to get better soon lanox!
No worries antisense, I’m happy to leave this thread open if it will help other people out (I might just blank out my 1st post)
I pretty much summed up my experience with the waterproof case above but I did actually think of one other thing that doesn’t make any sense. I specifically remember testing the case with the camera with the hatch off and the buttons didn’t work as they didn’t make contact. With the hatch on the buttons suddenly lined up.
The summary of my issue with all this is there is absolutely no documentation on how you use this case which you wouldn’t think would be needed but apparently with such precise requirements that go against common sense they do! They claim that it is “virtually impossible” to close the lid with the hatch on which it simply wasn’t as I was still in the stage of taking extreme care of my new toy so no way was I forcing something. It has also taken an absolute age to get to this point in which I’ve been sitting around waiting and not recording during summer. I then got no right of response.
I never posted this video as I was awaiting a response from Drift and didn’t expect to have any issues but here’s the video of the one and only time I got to use the waterproof case. At 1:29 the water gets in and it instantly fogs up. maxfacta1 commented on the video today I’m presuming he’s the distributor employee??
Let me know if you have any questions
So have they told you whats wrong with the case? eg; broken seal mount, cracked housing?? Hinge crack?? Was there any visible damage to the case?
I get what you mean about the buttons lining up… All the underwater housings I’ve used, the camera and buttons usually only line up when the camera is inserted properly… If the buttons were aligned and you could operate the camera while it was in the housing, I thinks it’s pretty safe to assume that the camera is installed properly…
As for the rear door, you usually have to use a degree of force to flip over and close these kinds of hinge mechanisms, so it’s reasonable to expect you’d apply some force while closing….
Gee I’m really bummed to hear you’re not getting any joy from the distributer/manufacturer….
Do you think it’s worthwhile emailing the manufacturer directly to express your concerns? It really is in their interest to ensure a good resolution… and to start including explicit instructions with the housing, particularly if you have to remove the rear cover to install the camera correctly… something that is completely counter-intuitive when inserting into a waterproof housing!!