The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


Guess whos’ back :)


Hiya BW Kids!!

Soooo after my long hiatus, ive decided to come back to the forums and rock em harder than ever… I must first apologise for disappearing off the face of the planet, cause i did exactly that. As ive been galavanting around the caribbean and now in Europe working on super yachts. Ive been allll work and not much time to play, but im here now. All is good with the universe.

In shred news, i managed to hit up a dainty little resort in Cervinia which is on the “boarder” of Nth Italy and Switzerland. As the hill had been closed for a week due to it being the end of the season the place was only open on weekends. We scored untracked blue bird powder runnnnsss allllllllllll day! I couldnt have asked for anything better. The coolest part was i could ride from Italy into Switzerland and vise versa!!! Bloody fantastic! As is it was my first time riding since the Whistler 08/09 season (much memories rider26) Good to be strapped in once again!

So there you have it kids. Kinda sums up whats been going down in recent time.

Hope all youse back home have been getting some snow in the Aussie alps.. Do ya best snow dance!!

Peacing out from Nice, on the French Rivera. YEW!


yewww sounds like alot of fun!!!


Welcome back dude. Good to hear you’re living the life over there. I want to see some photos of the yachts you’ve been working on. Stoked you got some sweet pow runs too!


Yeah, would love to see some pics of the yachts you work on.
Meet a guy in Japan a few years ago from NZ. He had the same gig as you, had plenty of stories to keep us entertained.


that sounds narly


ill post some pics real soon, as soon as i get rid of this hangover… hahahahaa

stay tuned kids yew


Hey good to see you again, I remember talking about all that before you left.
It sounds like you have had a great time.

Unteacked runs all day, when a resort is ready to close, and only opened on weekends.That is awesome, but also sad. I mean where are all the skiers and boarders when the season starts to end?
Places around here could stay open much later, but people stop coming out… then the resort closes for the season, with snow all over the mountain! Personally spring riding can be some of the best times, and I think it is a great time to learn when the snow is softer and a the temperatures are warmer.


Alright kids here she is… The fine Motor Yacht, Azzurra II


I think you have told us about them before, but tell us again, as there are many who are new. What were you doing working on the yacht, and who takes these out? owners or does someone rent them for a vacation? it’s such a unique thing to do. You just dont get to meet someone that gets to have such an adventure.


Is ‘kids’ your new favourite word, Aaron?  tongue wink


Its been up there for a while now wink But yes i use it alot.. hahaha smile


I tend to use the term ‘kids’ a lot too.
I use it to refer to any group of people, regardless of age.
When I teach college classes in the evenings, I tell them ahead of time to not be offended of I refer to them as ‘kids’ - that it is not meant to be offensive or degrading.


In similar fashion to surferguy i’d like to say hey to everyone on the boardworld forums as I’ve also been on somehwhat of a hiatus.  Life is a little hectic at the moment as I arrived in queenstown two days ago.  It’ll still be a week or two before i move into a place so my posting may be a little sporadic till then.  Got up to the remarks yesterday, pretty sick place, the park is really fun and progressive and the burton stash is also fun but in a different way.  Its full of massive concrete features, not super hard or anything just pretty wide and super long, my fav.
Hope everyones excited about the season and I’m looking forward to move interesting stuff from the forums.


There;s a few familiar names coming back out, I saw golfpunk out too, good to see you all again.
I’m looking forward to enjoying your season from a distance.