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Because I have been drooling at the sight of the SnowboardAddiction DVDs, and because I REAAALLLYYY have to progress.
This gift pack would really help me stop drooling and learn how to proper snowboard.
I just really need these dvds so that i don’t end up looking like this again
<img src =“” width =“800”>
miss judged the take off for the rail . . .
broken nose and somehow ended up with 8 very small wisdom teeth that had to be cut out
needless to say im in need of some good instruction not only to save myself but to keep up with my mates
I need the Snowboard Addiction program because I’m addicted to snowboarding.
Ok now something you don’t know :p
I have watched some of the movies and they are soooo well explained and helpful.
I’m a pretty technical rider aka I don’t go fast, I go good ^^ and the Snowboard Addiction DVDs are just the information I need to up my snowboarding techniques and learn and try new tricks.
I don’t know if this is for all snowboarders but a big dream of mine is become a snowboard instructor and these DVD’s could really help me become that.
Now I don’t have any fail compilations or photo’s(not that I didn’t like them :D) but anything that feeds my addiction for snowboarding is always very welcome!
(and OMG I need that SA sticker for my board )
(and OMG I need that SA sticker for my board
Haha i have that sticker on my board at the moment. looks effing cool
i would really like to win one of these prizes due to the fact this season i would really like to get a lot of filming done in the parks. So with this prize i would give to my mates (after i have watched them first) just to get them doing some better and new tricks so my edits might look slightly better, because most of my current edits are me and my mates doing the same stuff over and over lol they only change is the weather on the day.
New tricks and hopefully some added style steeze to my vids
(and OMG I need that SA sticker for my board
Haha i have that sticker on my board at the moment. looks effing cool
Wow a couple of the entries already in are sick…im not even going to bother! my one line attempt aint going to cut it.
Yeah, I wouldn’t have bothered if cords had her edit up when I posted mine!!!!!
She knows how much I hate havin a post that has no real worth!!!!!
yeah i am going to put myn up but i am queit sure cords got it, before i even seen hers i was going to do similar to what she done but like i said my gopro footage was shocking nothing even to seee or to cut and edit.
You could enter ya sock puppet challenge?????
The Snowboard Addiction guys might feel sorry for ya, and give you the prize?????
Comon mizu I didn’t think it was that bad, lol or was it
(and OMG I need that SA sticker for my board
Haha i have that sticker on my board at the moment. looks effing cool
bring it
Comon mizu I didn’t think it was that bad, lol or was it
I’m only muckin around!!!!
Oh, wait a minute!!!!! No I’m not!!!!!
To Nev and the crew:
Can you provide any info on when the getting upside down DVD will be released/included with the DVD box set? Will it be before the SoHe season? I’m pretty keen to get the set, but just wondering whether I should wait a few more weeks/months???
To Nev and the crew:
Can you provide any info on when the getting upside down DVD will be released/included with the DVD box set? Will it be before the SoHe season? I’m pretty keen to get the set, but just wondering whether I should wait a few more weeks/months???
Good question, anti!!!!!
I would also like to know about this!!!!!