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whats your thoughts on skiing??!?!

snowdragon - 16 June 2010 04:14 AM
kort - 15 June 2010 01:08 PM
AS87550 - 15 June 2010 11:49 AM

.... and i think once i get past the age of 30 i’d take up skiing so i dont turn into a beaten up, out of control old snowboarder

Dude I am well into my 30s and have no desire to ski wink
As for being “beaten up” I now longer really ride the terrain park - I don’t quite bounce back like I used to. Every terrain fall hurts tha bit more nowadays….

As for being “out of control”, I always ride “in control” - its the sign of a good boarder wink

Is 30 like the new 60?  I’m a couple years past the needing to try skiing age myself, geez if anything I’m faster and more in control than ever!

Didn’t say I wasn’t quick - I just said I was “in control” wink
I really only go flat out in areas where there are no crowds - not worth the risk of hurting someone - it actually annoys me seeing people speeding down areas where there are plenty of crowds…..pretty dangerous really.


ive been in the snow since i was a baby:
(im the one on the left in blue and gray)

And started skiing i dont know wen. guessing like 4 or 5 yrs old. always loved it so much. going to ski school and all that.
But now ive switched to snowboarding, prob 4 or 5 years ago, and i look at good skiers and respect them. going down moguls or a run with skis parallel and knees together, using their poles properly…

but i hate kids of my age or a little younger skiing down the mountain and getting in the way and thinking they’re cool. i dont know if its my own experience, or more have seen it, but most of the snowboarders of the same age group are much more courteous (13-19yr olds). maybe because they know you’re supposed to line up for your turn at a jump and they carry this to the general mountain.

so many times ive seen some fa_gg on skis cut straight in front of me and a group of other boarders waiting in line and go off a jump seconds after another person has! it really shits me. especially if its a blind jump and you need to wait a bit to see if the person didnt fall over.. i hate the way some of em just hold their arms straight down and their poles drag along the ground. thats not what they’re for..!

that all being said, i do hope to try out the old ski’s again, they are good. But i enjoy snowboarding so much more now..



omg you were so cute lol tongue rolleye


I never skied before I boarded.

Season 2 boarding I started teaching. At the end of that season I got my level 1 certification. things just took off from there.
Soon after the ski instructors really wanted to teach me to ski. I was excited to. I have only spent a few hours on skis, and I think only 2 days. I’d actually like to lean to ski better.

I too appreciate good skiers. they can read the mountain and find drops and hits that i’d normally go right past.
I can feed off anyone’s stoke and excitement for snow!

I truly dislike the aggression that either sport has for the other. I appreciate good humor both ways, but true dislike has no place. and I’ve seen too much of it.
I’ve been hit in the head with snow/ice balls, just for being a snowboarder. it’s silly. But then again I know that I’ve cause someone to fall a couple of times too and been called a “dangerous snowboarder” I dislike that equally.
I think we all just get excited on the hill and dont pay attention to others around us as much as we should.

Skiing WOULD NOT be here today in the way it is without snowboarding, but I must say that the same holds true for the opposite. We need one another. In order for resorts to open and afford to stay open, we need each other. Of course snowboarders demanded parks and pipes, and the skiers just reaped the benefits.

It was only a few seasons ago when my mountain owner asked me if I thought that skiers should be allowed in the “snowboard park” I said “OF COURSE!”
Him knowing well that his kids liked to trave west to ski in the parks they have out there.

I respect skiers and I think that for the most part…. skiers respect boarders. The ones that mater atleast.

Those that matter dont mind.
And those that mind dont matter.


firstly, kozeyekan great rant, more please. 

So I teach both skiing and snowboarding, I’m not amazing at either but especially at skiing.  I do enjoy doing both however, the difference for me is as follows.

Skiing is best for freeriding, especially in either bumpy or hard snow conditions.  You can let it go a bit more on skis as its inherently easier to stay in control.  If you don’t believe me try racing a good skier down the hardest section of terrain you can find.  Also hitting jumps is pretty fun on skis, I think its easier to do large straight airs on skis then on snowboards by quite a margin.

I spend most of my time snowboarding though, the main reason is that you can do presses on a snowboard.  When you ski you can’t do very many variations on rails or jibbing around the hill.  To highlight this just watch a ski films rail section. 

To summerise,

Yeah snowfun!